Exact Match:
- convulse
- be overcome with laughter
- make someone convulse with laughter; "The comedian convulsed the crowd"
- contract involuntarily, as in a spasm; "The muscles in her face convulsed"
- cause to contract; "The spasm convulses her facial muscles"
- shake uncontrollably; "earthquakes convulsed the countryside"
- move or stir about violently; "The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed"
- afflict,
- agitate,
- agonize,
- ail,
- amuse,
- beat,
- beat up,
- beguile,
- bite,
- bloody,
- bug,
- burn,
- chafe,
- churn,
- churn up,
- claw,
- concuss,
- crucify,
- cut,
- delight,
- disarrange,
- discompose,
- disquiet,
- distract,
- distress,
- disturb,
- divert,
- embroil,
- enliven,
- entertain,
- excite,
- excruciate,
- exhilarate,
- ferment,
- fester,
- flurry,
- fracture one,
- fret,
- gall,
- give pain,
- gnaw,
- grate,
- grind,
- gripe,
- harrow,
- hurt,
- impale,
- inflame,
- inflict pain,
- irritate,
- kill,
- kill by inches,
- knock dead,
- lacerate,
- lancinate,
- loosen up,
- macerate,
- martyr,
- martyrize,
- nip,
- paddle,
- pain,
- perturb,
- perturbate,
- pierce,
- pinch,
- prick,
- prolong the agony,
- psych,
- punish,
- put to torture,
- rack,
- raise a laugh,
- raise a smile,
- rankle,
- rasp,
- recreate,
- refresh,
- regale,
- relax,
- rile,
- rip,
- ripple,
- rock,
- roil,
- roughen,
- rub,
- ruffle,
- rumple,
- savage,
- scarify,
- shake,
- shake up,
- slay,
- solace,
- spook,
- stab,
- sting,
- stir,
- stir up,
- swirl,
- throw,
- throw into confusion,
- tickle,
- titillate,
- torment,
- torture,
- trouble,
- tweak,
- twist,
- unsettle,
- upset,
- whip,
- whip up,
- whisk,
- work up,
- wound,
- wow,
- wring