Exact Match:
- cool
- the quality of being at a refreshingly low temperature; "the cool of early morning"
- marked by calm self-control (especially in trying circumstances); unemotional; "play it cool"; "keep cool"; "stayed coolheaded in the crisis"; "the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament"
- fashionable and attractive at the time; often skilled or socially adept; "he's a cool dude"; "that's cool"; "Mary's dress is really cool"; "it's not cool to arrive at a party too early"
- (used of a number or sum) without exaggeration or qualification; "a cool million bucks"
- neither warm nor very cold; giving relief from heat; "a cool autumn day"; "a cool room"; "cool summer dresses"; "cool drinks"; "a cool breeze"
- psychologically cool and unenthusiastic; unfriendly or unresponsive or showing dislike; "relations were cool and polite"; "a cool reception"; "cool to the idea of higher taxes"
- (color) inducing the impression of coolness; used especially of greens and blues and violets; "cool greens and blues and violets"
- loose heat; "The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm"
- lose intensity; "His enthusiasm cooled considerably"
- make cool or cooler; "Chill the food"
- Buddha-like composure,
- Laodicean,
- OK,
- Olympian,
- Oriental calm,
- abate,
- abnegation,
- above all that,
- absolute zero,
- abstinence,
- ace-high,
- affectless,
- aguey,
- aguish,
- air-condition,
- air-cool,
- algid,
- algidity,
- allay,
- aloof,
- anesthetized,
- apathetic,
- aplomb,
- appease,
- arctic,
- arrest,
- arrogant,
- assassinate,
- assured,
- at rest,
- audacious,
- autistic,
- aweless,
- awelessness,
- backward,
- bad,
- balance,
- balanced,
- balanced personality,
- bang-up,
- bashful,
- bitterness,
- blank,
- bleakness,
- blue with cold,
- blunt,
- bold,
- bonzer,
- boss,
- bracing,
- brazen,
- bridle,
- briskness,
- bully,
- bump off,
- bumptious,
- but good,
- calculated,
- calm,
- calm disposition,
- calm down,
- calm of mind,
- calmness,
- catatonic,
- chattering,
- check,
- chill,
- chilled,
- chilliness,
- chilling,
- chilly,
- chromatic,
- cloistered,
- cold,
- cold as charity,
- cold-blooded,
- coldhearted,
- coldness,
- collect,
- collected,
- colorific,
- coloring,
- commonsense,
- compose,
- composed,
- composure,
- conciliate,
- confident,
- conservatism,
- constancy,
- constrain,
- constrained,
- constraint,
- contain,
- continence,
- control,
- controlled,
- contumelious,
- cool off,
- coolheaded,
- coolheadedness,
- cooling,
- coolish,
- coolness,
- coolth,
- corking,
- countenance,
- crackerjack,
- cradle,
- crispness,
- cryogenics,
- cryology,
- curb,
- curtail,
- damp,
- dampen,
- dandy,
- decelerate,
- decrease in temperature,
- deflect,
- defuse,
- deliberate,
- delicious,
- detached,
- deter,
- dichromatic,
- diminish,
- disaccordant,
- disaffect,
- discourage,
- discreet,
- disdainful,
- disincline,
- disinterest,
- dispassion,
- dispassionate,
- distant,
- distract,
- dithery,
- divert,
- divine,
- do in,
- dompt,
- drugged,
- ducky,
- dulcify,
- dull,
- dust off,
- dwindling,
- ease,
- easy mind,
- ebbing,
- emotionally dead,
- emotionless,
- enjoin,
- equable,
- equilibrium,
- even,
- even out,
- even-tempered,
- even-tenored,
- evenness,
- exclusive,
- execute,
- expectation,
- expected,
- expecting,
- expressionless,
- fab,
- familiar,
- fast,
- fastness,
- fervorless,
- fiducial,
- fine and dandy,
- finish,
- firm,
- firm as Gibraltar,
- firmness,
- forbidding,
- forward,
- freezing,
- freezing point,
- fresh,
- freshen,
- freshness,
- frigid,
- frigidity,
- frosted,
- frostiness,
- frosty,
- frozen,
- frozen to death,
- gear,
- gelid,
- gelidity,
- gentle,
- gentleness,
- glorious,
- glowing,
- golden mean,
- govern,
- great,
- groovy,
- guard,
- guarded,
- halcyon,
- half-frozen,
- halfhearted,
- happy medium,
- harmonious,
- heartless,
- heavy,
- hinder,
- hold,
- hold at bay,
- hold back,
- hold fast,
- hold in,
- hold in check,
- hold in leash,
- hold up,
- hubristic,
- hunky-dory,
- hush,
- hushed,
- ice,
- ice-cool,
- iciness,
- icy,
- icy calm,
- immovable,
- impartiality,
- impassible,
- impassive,
- impersonal,
- impertinent,
- imperturbability,
- imperturbable,
- imperturbation,
- impudent,
- in equilibrium,
- inaccessible,
- inclemency,
- incompatible,
- indifferent,
- indispose,
- indisturbance,
- inexcitability,
- inexcitable,
- infrigidate,
- inhibit,
- inhospitable,
- inimical,
- insolent,
- insulting,
- insusceptible,
- intense cold,
- introverted,
- invariability,
- invigorating,
- isolated,
- jam-up,
- judiciousness,
- just dandy,
- juste-milieu,
- keen,
- keenness,
- keep,
- keep back,
- keep from,
- keep in,
- keep in check,
- keep under control,
- knock off,
- lay,
- lay the dust,
- lay under restraint,
- lenity,
- lessen,
- level-headed,
- levelheaded,
- liquidate,
- logical,
- low temperature,
- lukewarm,
- lull,
- many-colored,
- marvy,
- matching,
- mean,
- meden agan,
- medley,
- mental composure,
- middle way,
- mildness,
- moderate,
- moderateness,
- moderation,
- moderationism,
- modest,
- moldering,
- mollify,
- monochromatic,
- monochrome,
- monochromic,
- motley,
- neat,
- nerve,
- neuter,
- neutral,
- neutrality,
- nifty,
- nip,
- nippiness,
- nippy,
- nobby,
- nodding acceptance,
- nonamazedness,
- nonamazement,
- nonastonishment,
- nonchalant,
- nonemotional,
- nonmarveling,
- nonviolence,
- nonwonder,
- nonwondering,
- nothing in excess,
- objective,
- obtrusive,
- obtuse,
- offish,
- okay,
- out of sight,
- out of touch,
- overconfident,
- overpresumptuous,
- overweening,
- pacific,
- pacifism,
- pacify,
- passionless,
- peace of mind,
- peaceable,
- peaceful,
- peacefulness,
- peachy,
- peachy-keen,
- perfunctory,
- philosophic composure,
- philosophical,
- philosophicalness,
- philosophy,
- phlegmatic,
- pigmentary,
- placate,
- placid,
- placidity,
- poise,
- polychromatic,
- pour balm into,
- pour balm on,
- practical,
- pragmatic,
- predictable,
- premeditated,
- presuming,
- presumptuous,
- prismatic,
- procacious,
- prohibit,
- propitiate,
- prudence,
- pull,
- pull in,
- purposeful,
- purposive,
- pushy,
- put away,
- put off,
- quell,
- quench,
- quiescent,
- quiet,
- quiet mind,
- quietude,
- rainbow,
- rational,
- rawness,
- reasonable,
- reduce,
- refresh,
- refreshing,
- refrigerate,
- rein,
- rein in,
- relaxed,
- reliability,
- reliable,
- remote,
- removed,
- repel,
- repose,
- reposeful,
- reposing,
- repress,
- repressed,
- reserved,
- rest,
- restful,
- resting,
- restrain,
- restrained,
- restraint,
- retard,
- reticent,
- retiring,
- retrench,
- rigor,
- ripping,
- rock,
- rock to sleep,
- rootedness,
- rum,
- sane,
- sang-froid,
- sangfroid,
- scrumptious,
- secluded,
- seclusive,
- secure,
- secureness,
- security,
- sedateness,
- self-abnegation,
- self-absorbed,
- self-control,
- self-controlled,
- self-denial,
- self-possessed,
- self-restraint,
- sensational,
- sensible,
- sequestered,
- sequestrated,
- serene,
- serenity,
- set back,
- severity,
- shaky,
- shameless,
- sharp air,
- sharpness,
- sheltered,
- shivering,
- shivery,
- shrinking,
- simmer down,
- slap-up,
- slow down,
- smashing,
- smooth,
- smooth down,
- smooth over,
- smoothen,
- smother,
- snub,
- sober,
- sober-minded,
- sobriety,
- solid,
- solidity,
- solitary,
- something else,
- soothe,
- soothingness,
- soulless,
- sound,
- soundness,
- spectral,
- spiffing,
- spiffy,
- spiritless,
- stability,
- stabilize,
- stable,
- stable equilibrium,
- stable state,
- standoff,
- standoffish,
- steadfast,
- steadfastness,
- steadiness,
- steady,
- steady nerves,
- steady state,
- still,
- still as death,
- stillish,
- stilly,
- stimulating,
- stoic,
- stolid,
- strained,
- straiten,
- stunning,
- subdue,
- subdued,
- subsiding,
- substantial,
- substantiality,
- suppress,
- suppressed,
- swell,
- temperance,
- temperate,
- temperateness,
- tense,
- tepid,
- tinctorial,
- tingent,
- toning,
- tough,
- tranquil,
- tranquilize,
- tranquillity,
- turn aside,
- turn away,
- turn from,
- turn off,
- unabashed,
- unaffable,
- unaffectionate,
- unagitated,
- unamazed,
- unamazedness,
- unamazement,
- unamiable,
- unamicable,
- unapproachable,
- unastonished,
- unastonishment,
- unastounded,
- unawed,
- unbewildered,
- uncompanionable,
- unconcerned,
- uncongenial,
- uncordial,
- undazed,
- undazzled,
- undeflectability,
- undemonstrative,
- under control,
- undisturbed,
- undumbfounded,
- unemotional,
- unexcessiveness,
- unexcitable,
- unexcited,
- unexpansive,
- unextravagance,
- unextremeness,
- unfeeling,
- unflappable,
- unflinching,
- unfriendly,
- ungenial,
- unharmonious,
- unheated,
- uniformity,
- unimpassioned,
- unimpressed,
- unimpressibleness,
- unimpressionable,
- uninterested,
- uninvolved,
- unloving,
- unmarveling,
- unmoved,
- unpassionate,
- unperturbed,
- unresponding,
- unresponsive,
- unruffled,
- unruffledness,
- unshakable,
- unshakable nerves,
- unshakableness,
- unsociable,
- unstirring,
- unsurprise,
- unsurprised,
- unsurprisedness,
- unsusceptible,
- unsympathetic,
- untouchable,
- untroubled,
- unwavering,
- unwondering,
- uppish,
- uppity,
- variegated,
- ventilate,
- via media,
- waning,
- warm,
- wean from,
- well-balanced,
- with chattering teeth,
- withdrawn,
- withhold,
- without nerves,
- wizard,
- wonderless,
- wonderlessness,
- zealless