Exact Match:
- copy
- a secondary representation of an original; "she made a copy of the designer dress"
- matter to be printed; exclusive of graphical materials
- material suitable for a journalistic account; "catastrophes make good copy"
- make a replica of; "copy that drawing"; "re-create a picture by Rembrandt"
- copy down as is; "The students were made to copy the alphabet over and over"
- Doppelganger,
- Photostat,
- Xerox,
- abstract,
- abstraction,
- act,
- act a part,
- act as,
- act like,
- act out,
- actual thing,
- adopt,
- affect,
- agent,
- altarpiece,
- alternate,
- alternative,
- analogy,
- ape,
- appear like,
- approach,
- appropriate,
- approximate,
- arrangement,
- article,
- assume,
- autograph,
- back number,
- backup,
- be like,
- be redolent of,
- bear resemblance,
- beat,
- block print,
- blueprint,
- borrow,
- brainchild,
- bring to mind,
- brouillon,
- budget of news,
- burlesque,
- call to mind,
- call up,
- carbon,
- carbon copy,
- cartoon,
- chalk,
- change,
- changeling,
- charcoal,
- chart,
- chorus,
- clone,
- collage,
- collection,
- color,
- color print,
- come again,
- come close,
- come near,
- companion,
- compare with,
- comparison,
- composed matter,
- composition,
- computer printout,
- copy out,
- correspond,
- counterfeit,
- counterpart,
- crayon,
- crib,
- crosshatch,
- cyclorama,
- dash off,
- daub,
- dead matter,
- dead ringer,
- delineate,
- delineation,
- depict,
- deputy,
- derive from,
- design,
- diagram,
- diptych,
- ditto,
- do,
- do a repeat,
- do again,
- do like,
- do over,
- document,
- doodle,
- double,
- draft,
- draw,
- draw up,
- drawing,
- dummy,
- dupe,
- duplicate,
- duplication,
- ebauche,
- echo,
- edit,
- edited version,
- edition,
- effigy,
- elevation,
- emulate,
- enact,
- enface,
- engraving,
- engross,
- engrossment,
- equal,
- equivalent,
- ersatz,
- esquisse,
- essay,
- evoke,
- exact counterpart,
- exact likeness,
- example,
- exchange,
- exclusive,
- facsimile,
- fair copy,
- fake,
- favor,
- fellow,
- fiction,
- figure,
- fill-in,
- final draft,
- finished version,
- first draft,
- flimsy,
- follow,
- forge,
- fresco,
- geminate,
- ghost,
- ghostwriter,
- go like,
- graph,
- ground plan,
- hatch,
- hectograph,
- hoke,
- hoke up,
- holograph,
- homograph,
- homonym,
- homophone,
- house plan,
- hymnal,
- hymnbook,
- ichnography,
- icon,
- idem,
- identical same,
- idol,
- illumination,
- illustration,
- image,
- imitate,
- imitation,
- impersonate,
- impress,
- impression,
- imprint,
- infringe,
- ingeminate,
- inscribe,
- instrumental score,
- issue,
- knockoff,
- letter,
- library,
- library edition,
- libretto,
- likeness,
- limn,
- literae scriptae,
- literary artefact,
- literary production,
- literature,
- live matter,
- living image,
- living picture,
- locum tenens,
- look like,
- lucubration,
- lute tablature,
- make a recension,
- make like,
- make out,
- make over,
- make use of,
- makeshift,
- manifold,
- manuscript,
- masquerade as,
- match,
- mate,
- matter,
- metaphor,
- metonymy,
- microcopy,
- microfilm,
- mime,
- mimeo,
- mimeograph,
- mimic,
- miniature,
- mirror,
- mirroring,
- mock,
- mock-up,
- model,
- montage,
- mosaic,
- multigraph,
- multiply by two,
- mural,
- music,
- music paper,
- music roll,
- musical notation,
- musical score,
- near,
- nearly reproduce,
- news item,
- next best thing,
- no other,
- none other,
- nonfiction,
- not tell apart,
- notation,
- number,
- opera,
- opera score,
- opus,
- orchestral score,
- original,
- outline,
- paint,
- paint a picture,
- palingenesis,
- panorama,
- pantomime,
- paper,
- parallel,
- paraphrase,
- parchment,
- parody,
- parrot,
- part,
- partake of,
- pass for,
- pattern,
- pen,
- pencil,
- penscript,
- perform,
- personate,
- personnel,
- phony,
- photocopy,
- photograph,
- piano score,
- picture,
- picturize,
- piece,
- piece of writing,
- pinch hitter,
- pirate,
- plagiarize,
- play,
- play a part,
- plot,
- poem,
- portrait,
- portray,
- pose as,
- pretend to be,
- print,
- printed matter,
- printing,
- printout,
- production,
- profile,
- projection,
- proxy,
- push the pen,
- put in writing,
- quadruplicate,
- quote,
- re-create,
- re-creation,
- re-form,
- re-formation,
- reading matter,
- rebirth,
- rebuild,
- rebuilding,
- recense,
- recension,
- reconstitute,
- reconstitution,
- reconstruct,
- reconstruction,
- record,
- redesign,
- redo,
- redoing,
- redouble,
- reduplicate,
- reduplication,
- reecho,
- reedition,
- reestablish,
- reestablishment,
- refashion,
- refashioning,
- reflect,
- reflection,
- refound,
- regenerate,
- regeneration,
- regenesis,
- regurgitate,
- reincarnate,
- reinstitute,
- reinstitution,
- reissue,
- relief,
- remake,
- remaking,
- remind one of,
- renascence,
- renew,
- renovate,
- renovation,
- reorganization,
- reorganize,
- repeat,
- repetition,
- replacement,
- replica,
- replicate,
- replication,
- representation,
- representative,
- reprint,
- reprinting,
- reproduce,
- reproduction,
- resemblance,
- resemble,
- reserves,
- reshape,
- reshaping,
- restoration,
- restore,
- restructure,
- restructuring,
- resurrect,
- resurrection,
- revise,
- revision,
- revival,
- revive,
- rewrite,
- ringer,
- rough,
- rubbing,
- sample,
- savor of,
- say again,
- school edition,
- scoop,
- score,
- scratch,
- screed,
- scribe,
- scrip,
- script,
- scrive,
- scroll,
- scumble,
- second draft,
- second string,
- secondary,
- seem like,
- selfsame,
- semblance,
- series,
- set,
- shade,
- shadow,
- sham,
- sheet music,
- short score,
- sign,
- similitude,
- simulacrum,
- simulate,
- skeleton,
- sketch,
- smack of,
- songbook,
- songster,
- sound like,
- spares,
- specimen,
- spill ink,
- spit and image,
- spitting image,
- spoil paper,
- spot news,
- stack up with,
- stained glass window,
- stand-in,
- standing matter,
- stat,
- steal,
- stencil,
- still life,
- story,
- sub,
- substituent,
- substitute,
- substitution,
- succedaneum,
- suggest,
- superscribe,
- superseder,
- supplanter,
- surrogate,
- symbol,
- synecdoche,
- synonym,
- tablature,
- table,
- tableau,
- take,
- take after,
- take off,
- take on,
- take over,
- tapestry,
- text,
- the same,
- the same difference,
- the written word,
- third string,
- tint,
- token,
- trace,
- tracing,
- trade book,
- trade edition,
- transcribe,
- transcript,
- transcription,
- travesty,
- triplicate,
- triptych,
- twin,
- type,
- typescript,
- understudy,
- utility player,
- version,
- very image,
- very picture,
- very same,
- vicar,
- vice-president,
- vice-regent,
- vocal score,
- volume,
- wall painting,
- work,
- working drawing,
- write,
- write down,
- write out,
- writing,
- written music