Exact Match:
- crucifix
- a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings when the gymnast supports himself with both arms extended horizontally
- representation of the cross on which Jesus died
- Agnus Dei,
- Calvary cross,
- Christogram,
- Greek cross,
- Holy Grail,
- Host,
- Jerusalem cross,
- Latin cross,
- Maltese cross,
- Pieta,
- Russian cross,
- Sanctus bell,
- Sangraal,
- T,
- X,
- ankh,
- ark,
- asperger,
- asperges,
- aspergillum,
- avellan cross,
- bambino,
- beadroll,
- beads,
- candle,
- censer,
- chaplet,
- chi,
- chi-rho,
- christcross,
- ciborium,
- crisscross,
- cross,
- cross ancre,
- cross botonee,
- cross bourdonee,
- cross fitche,
- cross fleury,
- cross formee,
- cross fourchee,
- cross grignolee,
- cross moline,
- cross of Cleves,
- cross of Lorraine,
- cross patee,
- cross recercelee,
- cross-crosslet,
- crossbones,
- crosslet,
- cruciform,
- cruet,
- crux,
- crux ansata,
- crux capitata,
- crux decussata,
- crux gammata,
- crux immissa,
- crux ordinaria,
- dagger,
- eucharistial,
- ex,
- exing,
- fork cross,
- gammadion,
- holy cross,
- holy water,
- holy-water sprinkler,
- icon,
- incensory,
- inverted cross,
- long cross,
- matzo,
- menorah,
- mezuzah,
- mikvah,
- monstrance,
- osculatory,
- ostensorium,
- papal cross,
- paschal candle,
- pax,
- pectoral cross,
- phylacteries,
- potent cross,
- prayer shawl,
- prayer wheel,
- pyx,
- relics,
- rood,
- rosary,
- sacramental,
- sacred relics,
- sacring bell,
- saltire,
- shofar,
- sukkah,
- swastika,
- tabernacle,
- tallith,
- tau,
- thurible,
- trefled cross,
- urceole,
- veronica,
- vigil light,
- voided cross,
- votive candle