Exact Match:
- curd
- coagulated milk; used to made cheese; "Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey"
- a coagulated liquid resembling milk curd; "bean curd"; "lemon curd"
- Devonshire cream,
- albumen,
- batter,
- blood clot,
- bonnyclabber,
- butter,
- buttermilk,
- casein,
- certified milk,
- cheese,
- clabber,
- clot,
- clotted cream,
- coagulate,
- coagulum,
- condensed milk,
- cornstarch,
- crassamentum,
- cream,
- dairy products,
- dough,
- egg white,
- embolus,
- gaum,
- gel,
- gelatin,
- ghee,
- glair,
- glop,
- glue,
- gluten,
- goo,
- gook,
- goop,
- gruel,
- grume,
- gumbo,
- gunk,
- half-and-half,
- heavy cream,
- jam,
- jell,
- jelly,
- legumin,
- light cream,
- loblolly,
- lopper,
- loppered milk,
- margarine,
- milk,
- molasses,
- mucilage,
- mucus,
- nonfat dry milk,
- oleo,
- oleomargarine,
- pap,
- paracasein,
- paste,
- porridge,
- pudding,
- pulp,
- puree,
- putty,
- raw milk,
- rob,
- semifluid,
- semiliquid,
- size,
- skim milk,
- soup,
- sour cream,
- starch,
- sticky mess,
- syrup,
- thrombus,
- treacle,
- turn,
- whey,
- whipping cream,
- yogurt