- abuse,
- accuse,
- anathematize,
- anathemize,
- animadvert on,
- arraign,
- asperse,
- belittle,
- blame,
- bring down,
- bring into discredit,
- bring low,
- call to account,
- calumniate,
- cast blame upon,
- cast reflection upon,
- censure,
- complain against,
- condemn,
- criticize,
- cry down,
- cry out against,
- cry out on,
- cry shame upon,
- damn,
- debase,
- defame,
- degrade,
- denounce,
- denunciate,
- deprecate,
- depreciate,
- derogate,
- derogate from,
- detract from,
- devaluate,
- devalue,
- diminish,
- disapprove,
- disapprove of,
- discount,
- discredit,
- disgrace,
- disparage,
- dispraise,
- downgrade,
- fulminate against,
- hold in contempt,
- impeach,
- impugn,
- indict,
- inveigh against,
- knock,
- lower,
- make little of,
- malign,
- mark down,
- minimize,
- put down,
- reflect discredit upon,
- reflect upon,
- reprehend,
- reproach,
- reprobate,
- run down,
- shake up,
- slight,
- speak ill of,
- submit to indignity,
- take away,
- take from,
- traduce,
- underrate,
- undervalue,
- vilify,
- write,
- write down,
- write off