- backset,
- beat the bushes,
- bore,
- burrow,
- cavity,
- cultivate,
- culture,
- cut,
- dig,
- dig out,
- dike,
- dredge,
- dress,
- drill,
- drive,
- excavate,
- explore,
- fallow,
- fertilize,
- forage,
- force,
- frisk,
- furrow,
- go through,
- gouge,
- gouge out,
- groove,
- grub,
- harrow,
- hoe,
- hollow,
- hunt,
- list,
- look around,
- look round,
- look through,
- lower,
- mine,
- mulch,
- nose around,
- plow,
- pocket,
- poke,
- poke around,
- prune,
- pry,
- quarry,
- rake,
- research,
- root,
- sap,
- scoop,
- scoop out,
- scrabble,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- search,
- search through,
- shovel,
- sink,
- smell around,
- spade,
- thin,
- thin out,
- till,
- till the soil,
- trench,
- trough,
- tunnel,
- vacancy,
- vacuity,
- vacuum,
- void,
- weed,
- weed out,
- work