Exact Match:
- desire
- an inclination to want things; "a man of many desires"
- the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state
- something that is desired
- feel or have a desire for; want strongly; "I want to go home now"; "I want my own room"
- express a desire for
- Amor,
- Christian love,
- Eros,
- Platonic love,
- address,
- admiration,
- adoration,
- affection,
- agape,
- aim,
- aim at,
- ambition,
- andromania,
- animus,
- aphrodisia,
- appeal,
- appetence,
- appetency,
- appetite,
- appetition,
- application,
- apply for,
- ardency,
- ardor,
- ask,
- ask for,
- asking,
- aspiration,
- aspire,
- aspire after,
- aspire to,
- assumption,
- assurance,
- assured faith,
- attachment,
- avarice,
- bank on,
- be after,
- be desirous of,
- be in heat,
- beg leave,
- bespeak,
- biological urge,
- bodily appetite,
- bodily love,
- brotherly love,
- call for,
- caritas,
- carnal desire,
- catch,
- charity,
- cheerful expectation,
- choice,
- choose,
- choose to,
- come in,
- command,
- conation,
- conatus,
- concupiscence,
- confide,
- confidence,
- conjugal love,
- conviction,
- counsel,
- count on,
- covet,
- crave,
- craving,
- cupidity,
- dearest wish,
- decide,
- decision,
- decree,
- demand,
- dependence,
- desiderate,
- desideration,
- desideratum,
- desiderium,
- design,
- destine,
- determination,
- determine,
- devotion,
- discretion,
- disposition,
- doomed hope,
- drive at,
- effect,
- enjoy,
- entreaty,
- eromania,
- eros,
- eroticism,
- eroticomaniac,
- erotism,
- erotomania,
- estruate,
- expect,
- expectation,
- expressed desire,
- fair prospect,
- faith,
- faithful love,
- fancy,
- favor,
- feel confident,
- fervent hope,
- fervor,
- file for,
- fixed purpose,
- flame,
- fleshly lust,
- fondness,
- forbidden fruit,
- free choice,
- free love,
- free will,
- free-lovism,
- function,
- furor uterinus,
- glimmering goal,
- go for,
- goatishness,
- golden vision,
- good cheer,
- good hope,
- grab,
- grab at,
- great expectations,
- greed,
- gynecomania,
- hanker,
- hanker after,
- hankering,
- harbor a design,
- harbor the hope,
- have designs on,
- have every intention,
- heart,
- hero worship,
- high hopes,
- hope,
- hope against hope,
- hope and pray,
- hope for,
- hope in,
- hope to God,
- hopeful prognosis,
- hopefulness,
- hopes,
- hoping,
- hoping against hope,
- horniness,
- hot blood,
- hot pants,
- hunger,
- hungering,
- idea,
- idolatry,
- idolism,
- idolization,
- impetration,
- importune,
- inclination,
- indecency,
- indent,
- infantile sexuality,
- intend,
- intendment,
- intent,
- intention,
- itch,
- itch for,
- jump at,
- lasciviousness,
- lean upon,
- lecherousness,
- lechery,
- libidinousness,
- libido,
- lickerishness,
- like,
- liking,
- live in hopes,
- lodestone,
- long,
- long for,
- longing,
- love,
- lovemaking,
- lust,
- lust after,
- lustfulness,
- magnet,
- make a request,
- make a requisition,
- make application,
- married love,
- mean,
- meaning,
- mind,
- motive,
- nisus,
- nurture the hope,
- nymphomania,
- objective,
- order,
- pant,
- passion,
- petition,
- physical love,
- pine,
- pine for,
- pining,
- plan,
- pleasure,
- plum,
- point,
- polymorphous perversity,
- popular regard,
- popularity,
- prayerful hope,
- prefer,
- presume,
- presumption,
- prize,
- project,
- promise,
- proposal,
- propose,
- prospect,
- prospects,
- prospectus,
- prurience,
- pruriency,
- purport,
- purpose,
- put in for,
- rapacity,
- regard,
- reliance,
- rely on,
- request,
- require,
- requirement,
- requisition,
- resolution,
- resolve,
- rest assured,
- rut,
- sake,
- salaciousness,
- sanguine expectation,
- satyriasis,
- satyrism,
- security,
- see fit,
- sentiment,
- sex,
- sexual desire,
- sexual longing,
- sexual love,
- sexual passion,
- shine,
- sigh for,
- snatch,
- snatch at,
- solicit,
- spiritual love,
- striving,
- study,
- summon,
- take to,
- temptation,
- tender feeling,
- tender passion,
- think,
- think fit,
- think good,
- think proper,
- thirst,
- thirsting,
- trophy,
- truelove,
- trust,
- urge,
- uxoriousness,
- velleity,
- venereal appetite,
- view,
- volition,
- want,
- weakness,
- well-grounded hope,
- whistle for,
- will,
- will power,
- wish,
- wish for,
- wish to goodness,
- wish very much,
- worship,
- would fain do,
- yearn,
- yearn for,
- yearning,
- yen