- backward,
- balk,
- be determined,
- be in earnest,
- be resolved,
- buckle down,
- buckle to,
- conservative,
- cross the Rubicon,
- die fighting,
- die game,
- die in harness,
- fogyish,
- go for broke,
- hold out,
- mean business,
- never say die,
- nonprogressive,
- not back down,
- not budge,
- not give up,
- not submit,
- old-fashioned,
- old-fogyish,
- old-line,
- opposed to change,
- orthodox,
- persevere,
- preservative,
- reactionary,
- reactionist,
- remain firm,
- right,
- right of center,
- right-wing,
- stand fast,
- stand out,
- stand pat,
- standpat,
- stay it out,
- stick,
- stick fast,
- stick it out,
- stickle,
- take no denial,
- take the plunge,
- tory,
- traditionalistic,
- ultraconservative,
- unprogressive