- abjure,
- assert the contrary,
- ban,
- bar,
- be unmoved,
- be unwilling,
- beg off,
- belie,
- blackball,
- categorically reject,
- contest,
- contradict,
- contravene,
- controvert,
- counter,
- cross,
- debar,
- decline,
- decline to accept,
- default,
- deny,
- disaffirm,
- disagree,
- disapprove,
- disapprove of,
- disavow,
- disclaim,
- disfavor,
- dishonor,
- disown,
- disprove,
- dispute,
- dissent,
- dissent from,
- embargo,
- enjoin,
- exclude,
- exclude from,
- forbid,
- forswear,
- frown at,
- frown down,
- frown upon,
- gainsay,
- grimace at,
- hold out against,
- impugn,
- inhibit,
- interdict,
- join issue upon,
- keep back,
- levant,
- look askance at,
- look black upon,
- negate,
- negative,
- not accept,
- not admit,
- not approve,
- not buy,
- not consent,
- not go for,
- not hear of,
- not hold with,
- not pay,
- not think of,
- nullify,
- object,
- object to,
- oppose,
- ostracize,
- outlaw,
- preclude,
- prevent,
- prohibit,
- proscribe,
- protest,
- recant,
- refuse,
- refuse consent,
- refuse to admit,
- refuse to pay,
- refute,
- reject,
- renounce,
- repress,
- repudiate,
- resist entreaty,
- resist persuasion,
- retract,
- revoke,
- rule out,
- say nay,
- say no,
- say no to,
- shut out,
- stand aloof,
- stop payment,
- suppress,
- taboo,
- take back,
- take exception to,
- take issue with,
- think ill of,
- think little of,
- thumb down,
- turn down,
- view with disfavor,
- vote nay,
- vote negatively,
- welsh,
- withhold