- abandon,
- abjure,
- barf,
- be seasick,
- be sick,
- belch,
- blow open,
- blow out,
- break out,
- bring up,
- burst forth,
- burst out,
- cast,
- cast forth,
- cede,
- chuck up,
- debouch,
- decant,
- discharge,
- disembogue,
- dispense with,
- dispose of,
- do without,
- drop,
- dump,
- egest,
- ejaculate,
- eject,
- eruct,
- erupt,
- exhaust,
- expel,
- extravasate,
- feed the fish,
- forgo,
- forswear,
- gag,
- get along without,
- get rid of,
- give away,
- give up,
- have done with,
- heave,
- heave the gorge,
- hurl forth,
- irrupt,
- jet,
- keck,
- kiss good-bye,
- make a sacrifice,
- outpour,
- part with,
- pour,
- pour forth,
- pour out,
- puke,
- quitclaim,
- recant,
- regurgitate,
- reject,
- relinquish,
- render up,
- renounce,
- resign,
- retch,
- retract,
- sacrifice,
- send forth,
- send out,
- sick up,
- spare,
- spew,
- spout,
- spurt,
- squirt,
- surrender,
- swear off,
- throw out,
- throw up,
- upchuck,
- vacate,
- vomit,
- waive,
- yield