Exact Match:
- disgust
- strong feelings of dislike
- cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of; "The pornographic pictures sickened us"
- fill with distaste; "This spoilt food disgusts me"
- abhorrence,
- abomination,
- allergy,
- animosity,
- animus,
- antagonism,
- antipathy,
- appall,
- aversion,
- cold sweat,
- contempt,
- creeping flesh,
- dislike,
- distaste,
- enmity,
- fulsomeness,
- give offense,
- gross out,
- hate,
- hatred,
- horrify,
- horror,
- hostility,
- loathing,
- mortal horror,
- nausea,
- nauseate,
- odium,
- offend,
- outrage,
- put off,
- reluct,
- repel,
- repugnance,
- repulse,
- repulsion,
- revolt,
- revulsion,
- shock,
- shuddering,
- sicken,
- sickness,
- turn the stomach