Exact Match:
- displace
- force to move; "the refugees were displaced by the war"
- take the place of
- move (people) forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment; "The war uprooted many people"
- act for,
- attend,
- banish,
- boot,
- bounce,
- break,
- bump,
- bust,
- can,
- carry away,
- carry off,
- cart away,
- cashier,
- change places with,
- come after,
- crowd out,
- cut out,
- deconsecrate,
- defrock,
- degrade,
- delocalize,
- demote,
- deplume,
- deport,
- depose,
- deprive,
- dethrone,
- disarrange,
- disarticulate,
- disbar,
- discharge,
- discrown,
- disemploy,
- disenthrone,
- disjoint,
- dislocate,
- dislodge,
- dismiss,
- disorder,
- displume,
- disturb,
- double for,
- drum out,
- eject,
- emanate,
- ensue,
- evict,
- excommunicate,
- exile,
- expatriate,
- expel,
- fill in for,
- fire,
- follow after,
- follow up,
- furlough,
- ghost,
- ghostwrite,
- give the ax,
- give the gate,
- go after,
- issue,
- kick,
- kick out,
- kick upstairs,
- lay aside,
- lay off,
- let go,
- let out,
- liquidate,
- luxate,
- make redundant,
- manhandle,
- misplace,
- move,
- oust,
- overtake,
- overthrow,
- pension,
- pension off,
- pinch-hit,
- purge,
- put aside,
- read out of,
- release,
- relegate,
- relieve,
- relocate,
- remove,
- remove from office,
- replace,
- represent,
- result,
- retire,
- sack,
- send,
- separate forcibly,
- set aside,
- shift,
- shunt,
- side,
- spell,
- spell off,
- stand in for,
- strip,
- strip of office,
- strip of rank,
- subrogate,
- substitute for,
- succeed,
- superannuate,
- supersede,
- supervene,
- supplant,
- surplus,
- suspend,
- swap places with,
- take away,
- throw out,
- track,
- trail,
- transfer,
- transport,
- turn off,
- turn out,
- unchurch,
- uncrown,
- understudy for,
- unfrock,
- unhinge,
- unjoint,
- unmake,
- unsaddle,
- unseat,
- unsettle,
- unthrone,
- usurp