Exact Match:
- divination
- the art or gift of prophecy (or the pretense of prophecy) by supernatural means
- successful conjecture by unusual insight or good luck
- alchemy,
- astrodiagnosis,
- astrology,
- astromancy,
- augury,
- bewitchery,
- charm,
- clairvoyance,
- crystal ball,
- crystal gazing,
- divining,
- enchantment,
- fetishism,
- fortunetelling,
- genethliacs,
- genethlialogy,
- glamour,
- gramarye,
- halomancy,
- haruspication,
- haruspicy,
- hoodoo,
- horoscopy,
- idolomancy,
- juju,
- jujuism,
- magic,
- mantic,
- mantology,
- natural magic,
- necromancy,
- obeah,
- onomancy,
- palm-reading,
- palmistry,
- pythonism,
- rune,
- shamanism,
- sorcery,
- sortes Biblicae,
- sortes Homericae,
- sortes Praenestinae,
- sortes Vergilianae,
- sortilege,
- spatulamancy,
- spell,
- spellbinding,
- spellcasting,
- spodomancy,
- stichomancy,
- sycomancy,
- sympathetic magic,
- thaumaturgia,
- thaumaturgics,
- thaumaturgism,
- thaumaturgy,
- theomancy,
- theurgy,
- vampirism,
- voodoo,
- voodooism,
- wanga,
- white magic,
- witchcraft,
- witchery,
- witchwork,
- wizardry,
- xylomancy,
- zoomancy