Exact Match:
- domination
- social control by dominating
- power to dominate or defeat; "mastery of the seas"
- absolutism,
- argumentum baculinum,
- ascendance,
- ascendancy,
- authority,
- balance of power,
- big stick,
- bond service,
- bondage,
- captivity,
- charisma,
- charm,
- claws,
- clout,
- clutches,
- command,
- consequence,
- control,
- credit,
- debt slavery,
- deprivation of freedom,
- despotism,
- dictatorship,
- disenfranchisement,
- disfranchisement,
- dominance,
- dominancy,
- domineering,
- dominion,
- effect,
- eminence,
- eminent domain,
- enchantment,
- enslavement,
- enthrallment,
- esteem,
- eyereach,
- eyeshot,
- eyesight,
- fascism,
- favor,
- feudalism,
- feudality,
- field of view,
- field of vision,
- force,
- good feeling,
- grasp,
- grip,
- gripe,
- hand,
- hands,
- heavy hand,
- hegemony,
- helm,
- helotism,
- helotry,
- high hand,
- hold,
- horizon,
- importance,
- incidental power,
- indentureship,
- influence,
- influentiality,
- insinuation,
- iron boot,
- iron hand,
- iron heel,
- jurisdiction,
- ken,
- leadership,
- leverage,
- limit of vision,
- line of sight,
- magnetism,
- masterdom,
- mastership,
- mastery,
- might,
- moment,
- naked eye,
- oppression,
- outlook,
- outlook over,
- overlordship,
- peonage,
- personality,
- perspective,
- persuasion,
- potency,
- power,
- predominance,
- predominancy,
- predomination,
- preeminence,
- preponderance,
- preponderancy,
- prepotence,
- prepotency,
- pressure,
- prestige,
- primacy,
- principality,
- prospect,
- purchase,
- range,
- reign,
- reign of terror,
- reins of government,
- repression,
- repute,
- restraint,
- rule,
- say,
- scan,
- scope,
- scope of vision,
- serfdom,
- serfhood,
- servility,
- servitude,
- sight,
- sightliness,
- slavery,
- sovereignty,
- strings,
- suasion,
- subjection,
- subjugation,
- subordination,
- subtle influence,
- suggestion,
- superiority,
- suppression,
- supremacy,
- survey,
- suzerainship,
- suzerainty,
- sway,
- talons,
- terrorism,
- thought control,
- thrall,
- thralldom,
- tyranny,
- upper hand,
- vassalage,
- view,
- villenage,
- vista,
- weight,
- whip hand