Exact Match:
- double entendre
- an ambiguity with one interpretation that is indelicate
- ambiguity,
- ambiguousness,
- amphibology,
- belly laugh,
- blue story,
- complexity of meaning,
- counterword,
- dirty joke,
- dirty story,
- double meaning,
- double reference,
- equivocacy,
- equivocal,
- equivocality,
- equivocalness,
- equivocation,
- equivoque,
- ethnic joke,
- fun,
- funny story,
- gag,
- good one,
- good story,
- howler,
- irony,
- jape,
- jest,
- jestbook,
- joke,
- laugh,
- levels of meaning,
- multivocality,
- panic,
- paronomasia,
- play,
- point,
- polysemant,
- polysemousness,
- polysemy,
- portmanteau word,
- pun,
- punning,
- rib tickler,
- richness of meaning,
- riot,
- scream,
- sick joke,
- sidesplitter,
- sight gag,
- sport,
- squinting construction,
- story,
- tergiversation,
- uncertainty,
- visual joke,
- weasel word,
- wheeze,
- wow,
- yarn