Exact Match:
- drum
- small to medium-sized bottom-dwelling food and game fishes of shallow coastal and fresh waters that make a drumming noise
- a musical percussion instrument; usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretched across each end
- a cylindrical metal container used for shipping or storage of liquids
- the sound of a drum; "he could hear the drums before he heard the fifes"
- play a percussion instrument
- make a rhythmic sound; "Rain drummed against the windshield"; "The drums beat all night"
- barrage,
- barrel,
- beat,
- beat a ruffle,
- beat a tattoo,
- beat the drum,
- beat time,
- beating,
- bole,
- bongo drum,
- cackle,
- call,
- canvass,
- carol,
- cask,
- caw,
- chatter,
- cheep,
- chirk,
- chirp,
- chirr,
- chirrup,
- chitter,
- chuck,
- clack,
- cluck,
- cock-a-doodle-doo,
- column,
- conga,
- coo,
- count,
- count the beats,
- croak,
- cronk,
- crow,
- cuckoo,
- cylinder,
- cylindroid,
- din,
- ding,
- drizzle,
- drum music,
- drumbeat,
- drumfire,
- drumhead,
- drumming,
- drumskin,
- drumstick,
- fall,
- flutter,
- gabble,
- gaggle,
- go pitapat,
- gobble,
- guggle,
- hammer,
- honk,
- hoo,
- hoot,
- jazz stick,
- keep time,
- kettle,
- kettledrum,
- membranophone,
- mizzle,
- palpitate,
- palpitation,
- pant,
- paradiddle,
- patter,
- peep,
- pelt,
- pillar,
- pip,
- pipe,
- pitapat,
- pitter-patter,
- play drum,
- pound,
- pounding,
- pour,
- pour with rain,
- precipitate,
- pulsate,
- pulsation,
- pulse,
- quack,
- rain,
- rain tadpoles,
- rat-a-tat,
- rat-tat,
- rat-tat-tat,
- rataplan,
- rattattoo,
- roll,
- roller,
- rouleau,
- rub-a-dub,
- ruff,
- ruffle,
- scold,
- shower,
- shower down,
- side drum,
- sing,
- snare,
- snare drum,
- sound a tattoo,
- spatter,
- spit,
- splatter,
- splutter,
- sprinkle,
- sputter,
- squawk,
- staccato,
- stream,
- tabor,
- taboret,
- tabret,
- tam-tam,
- tambourine,
- tap,
- tat-tat,
- tattoo,
- tenor drum,
- throb,
- throbbing,
- thrum,
- thump,
- thumping,
- tick,
- ticktock,
- timbrel,
- timpani,
- tom-tom,
- trill,
- troll-drum,
- trunk,
- tube,
- tweet,
- twit,
- twitter,
- tymp stick,
- tympan,
- tympanon,
- tympanum,
- war drum,
- warble,
- weep,
- whistle