Exact Match:
- dryness
- the condition of not containing or being covered by a liquid (especially water)
- acerbity,
- acescency,
- acidity,
- acidulousness,
- appetite,
- aridity,
- aridness,
- barrenness,
- birth control,
- bloodlessness,
- cacophony,
- canine appetite,
- characterlessness,
- coarseness,
- colorlessness,
- contraception,
- cracked voice,
- deadness,
- dearth,
- dearth of ideas,
- discord,
- dismalness,
- dragginess,
- dreariness,
- drought,
- dry womb,
- dullness,
- dustiness,
- effeteness,
- emptiness,
- empty stomach,
- etiolation,
- family planning,
- famine,
- flatness,
- greenness,
- gruffness,
- gutturalism,
- gutturality,
- gutturalness,
- harshness,
- heaviness,
- hoarseness,
- hollow hunger,
- hollowness,
- hunger,
- hungriness,
- huskiness,
- hyperacidity,
- impotence,
- inanity,
- ineffectualness,
- inexcitability,
- infecundity,
- infertility,
- insipidity,
- insipidness,
- jejunity,
- leadenness,
- lifelessness,
- lowness of spirit,
- paleness,
- pallor,
- planned parenthood,
- pointlessness,
- pokiness,
- polydipsia,
- ponderousness,
- prosaicism,
- prosaicness,
- prosaism,
- prosiness,
- pungency,
- raspiness,
- raucity,
- relish,
- roughness,
- rudeness,
- scrapiness,
- scratchiness,
- slowness,
- solemnity,
- sour,
- sourishness,
- sourness,
- spiritlessness,
- staidness,
- sterileness,
- sterility,
- stertorousness,
- stiffness,
- stodginess,
- stolidity,
- stomach,
- stuffiness,
- subacidity,
- superficiality,
- sweet tooth,
- tapeworm,
- tartishness,
- tartness,
- taste,
- tastelessness,
- tediousness,
- thickness,
- thirst,
- thirstiness,
- throatiness,
- torment of Tantalus,
- ugliness,
- uncreativeness,
- unfancifulness,
- unfertileness,
- unfruitfulness,
- unimaginativeness,
- uninterestingness,
- unliveliness,
- unoriginality,
- unpoeticalness,
- unproductiveness,
- unripeness,
- unsweetness,
- vapidity,
- vapidness,
- verjuice,
- vinegariness,
- vinegarishness,
- withered loins,
- woodenness