Exact Match:
- epidermis
- the outer layer of the skin covering the exterior body surface of vertebrates
- blastoderm,
- border,
- circumference,
- corium,
- cortex,
- covering,
- crust,
- cursoriness,
- cutis,
- cutis vera,
- derma,
- dermis,
- ectoblast,
- ectoderm,
- endothelium,
- entoderm,
- envelope,
- epiblast,
- epithelium,
- exterior,
- exteriority,
- external,
- facade,
- face,
- facet,
- fringe,
- front,
- gloss,
- hypodermis,
- integument,
- lineaments,
- mere scratch,
- mesoderm,
- no depth,
- no water,
- outer face,
- outer layer,
- outer side,
- outer skin,
- outline,
- outside,
- pavement epithelium,
- periphery,
- pinprick,
- rind,
- scarfskin,
- scratch,
- shallowness,
- shell,
- shoaliness,
- skin,
- slightness,
- superficiality,
- superficies,
- superstratum,
- surface,
- top,
- triviality,
- true skin,
- veneer