Exact Match:
- equipment
- an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service
- Lecher wires,
- RC oscillator,
- VOM,
- ability,
- accessories,
- accouterment,
- accouterments,
- adaptation,
- adjustment,
- ammeter,
- anemometer,
- anemoscope,
- apparatus,
- appliances,
- appointments,
- appurtenances,
- armament,
- arrangement,
- attachments,
- baggage,
- barograph,
- barometer,
- basic training,
- bearer,
- bed,
- belongings,
- bevel,
- bilge pump,
- binnacle,
- blanket,
- boat hook,
- boss,
- box,
- briefing,
- bump,
- burning-in tool,
- burr,
- caliber,
- capability,
- capacity,
- case,
- catering,
- caulking cotton,
- caulking iron,
- chandlery,
- changing bag,
- chase,
- clearing the decks,
- clobber,
- closeup lens,
- compass,
- composing stick,
- conditioning,
- conveniences,
- darkroom,
- developing tank,
- diaphragm,
- dodging tool,
- dower,
- dowry,
- drawsheet,
- dryer,
- drying blotter,
- duffel,
- easel,
- electric meter,
- electronic-flash unit,
- enablement,
- endowment,
- enlarger,
- equipage,
- exposure meter,
- facilities,
- facility,
- faculty,
- familiarization,
- fid,
- field-strength meter,
- filter,
- finder,
- finding,
- fisheye lens,
- fit,
- fitting,
- fitting out,
- fittings,
- fixing,
- fixtures,
- flair,
- flash tube,
- flashbulb,
- flashcube,
- flashgun,
- flashlight,
- footstick,
- form,
- forte,
- foundation,
- frame,
- frequency meter,
- furnishing,
- furnishings,
- furnishment,
- furniture,
- gadget bag,
- galley,
- gear,
- genius,
- gift,
- grapnel,
- grappling iron,
- grid-dip meter,
- grid-dip oscillator,
- groundwork,
- guide,
- gutter,
- habiliments,
- hawse bag,
- hawse hook,
- high-voltage probe,
- holystone,
- hygrograph,
- impedimenta,
- incident light meter,
- installations,
- instinct,
- investment,
- kit,
- lens,
- lens cover,
- lens hood,
- light meter,
- log,
- logistics,
- long suit,
- machinery,
- makeready,
- making ready,
- makings,
- manufacture,
- marlinespike,
- materials,
- materiel,
- matrix,
- metier,
- milliammeter,
- mobilization,
- munition,
- munitions,
- natural endowment,
- natural gift,
- ohmmeter,
- oscilloscope,
- outfit,
- outfitting,
- output indicator,
- overlay,
- paraphernalia,
- parts,
- photoflash,
- photoflash lamp,
- photometer,
- planning,
- plant,
- platen,
- plumbing,
- potential,
- power,
- powers,
- prearrangement,
- preliminaries,
- preliminary,
- preliminary act,
- preliminary step,
- prep,
- preparation,
- preparatory study,
- preparing,
- prepping,
- prerequisite,
- pretreatment,
- processing,
- procurement,
- propaedeutic,
- providing,
- provision,
- provisioning,
- provisions,
- pulse generator,
- pump,
- purveyance,
- qualification,
- quoin,
- range finder,
- ratchet,
- readying,
- reflector,
- reinforcement,
- replenishment,
- resonance indicator,
- resupply,
- retailing,
- rig,
- rigging,
- selling,
- shutter,
- signal generator,
- sounders,
- spadework,
- speciality,
- stock-in-trade,
- stroboscopic light,
- strong flair,
- strong point,
- subsidization,
- subsidy,
- subvention,
- supply,
- supplying,
- sweep generator,
- tack,
- tackle,
- tackling,
- talent,
- talents,
- telephoto lens,
- the goods,
- the stuff,
- thermograph,
- things,
- timer,
- toggle,
- training,
- trappings,
- traps,
- treatment,
- trial,
- tripod,
- tryout,
- tuning,
- turtle,
- tympan,
- underlay,
- utensils,
- varifocal lens,
- victualing,
- viewfinder,
- voltmeter,
- warm-up,
- wavemeter,
- what it takes,
- zoom lens