Exact Match:
- exaltation
- a flock of larks (especially a flock of larks in flight overhead)
- the location of a planet in the zodiac at which it is believed to exert its maximum influence
- accolade,
- adulation,
- advance,
- advancement,
- aggrandizement,
- altitude,
- apotheosis,
- ascent,
- assumption,
- beatification,
- beatitude,
- bepraisement,
- bewitchment,
- bigheartedness,
- bigness,
- blessedness,
- blessing,
- bliss,
- blissfulness,
- boost,
- canonization,
- ceiling,
- cheer,
- cheerfulness,
- chivalrousness,
- chivalry,
- cloud nine,
- congratulation,
- consecration,
- consequence,
- conspicuousness,
- dedication,
- deification,
- delectation,
- delight,
- devotion,
- dignification,
- distinction,
- ecstasy,
- ecstatics,
- elation,
- elevation,
- eloge,
- eminence,
- enchantment,
- encomium,
- ennoblement,
- enshrinement,
- enthronement,
- erection,
- errantry,
- escalation,
- eulogium,
- eulogy,
- euphoria,
- excellence,
- excessive praise,
- exhilaration,
- extolment,
- exuberance,
- felicity,
- flattery,
- gaiety,
- generosity,
- generousness,
- gladness,
- glee,
- glorification,
- glory,
- grace,
- graduation,
- grandeur,
- great heart,
- greatheartedness,
- greatness,
- greatness of heart,
- hallowing,
- happiness,
- hauteur,
- heaven,
- height,
- heighth,
- hero worship,
- heroism,
- high mightiness,
- high spirits,
- high-mindedness,
- highness,
- homage,
- hommage,
- honor,
- idealism,
- idolatry,
- idolizing,
- immortalization,
- importance,
- intoxication,
- joy,
- joyance,
- joyfulness,
- justification,
- justification by works,
- knight-errantry,
- knighting,
- knightliness,
- kudos,
- largeheartedness,
- laud,
- laudation,
- liberality,
- liberalness,
- lifting,
- lionizing,
- loftiness,
- magnanimity,
- magnanimousness,
- magnification,
- mark,
- meed of praise,
- nobility,
- noble-mindedness,
- nobleness,
- notability,
- note,
- openhandedness,
- outstandingness,
- overhappiness,
- overjoyfulness,
- overpraise,
- paean,
- panegyric,
- paradise,
- passing,
- pay raise,
- perpendicular distance,
- praise,
- preferment,
- princeliness,
- prominence,
- promotion,
- purification,
- raise,
- raising,
- rapture,
- ravishment,
- rearing,
- rise,
- sainthood,
- sainting,
- sanctification,
- setting apart,
- seventh heaven,
- significance,
- state of grace,
- stature,
- sublimity,
- sunshine,
- supereminence,
- sursum corda,
- tallness,
- toploftiness,
- transport,
- tribute,
- unalloyed happiness,
- upbuoying,
- upcast,
- upgrading,
- upheaval,
- uplift,
- uplifting,
- upping,
- uprearing,
- upthrow,
- upthrust