Exact Match:
- exclaim
- utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy; "`I won!' he exclaimed"; "`Help!' she cried"; "`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost"
- allude to,
- bark,
- bawl,
- bellow,
- blare,
- blat,
- blubber,
- blurt,
- blurt out,
- bolt,
- boom,
- bray,
- breathe,
- burst out,
- buzz,
- cackle,
- call attention to,
- call out,
- chant,
- chirp,
- comment,
- coo,
- crow,
- cry out,
- declare,
- drawl,
- ejaculate,
- flute,
- gasp,
- growl,
- grunt,
- hiss,
- holler,
- interject,
- keen,
- let drop,
- let fall,
- lilt,
- make reference to,
- mention,
- mumble,
- murmur,
- muse,
- mutter,
- note,
- observe,
- opine,
- pant,
- pipe,
- proclaim,
- refer to,
- reflect,
- remark,
- roar,
- rumble,
- scream,
- screech,
- shout,
- shriek,
- sibilate,
- sigh,
- sing,
- snap,
- snarl,
- snort,
- sob,
- speak,
- squall,
- squawk,
- squeal,
- thunder,
- trumpet,
- twang,
- utter,
- vociferate,
- wail,
- warble,
- whine,
- whisper,
- yap,
- yawp,
- yell,
- yelp