Exact Match:
- fashion
- characteristic or habitual practice
- consumer goods (especially clothing) in the current mode
- the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior
- make out of components (often in an improvising manner); "She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks"
- MO,
- Platonic form,
- Platonic idea,
- aesthetic form,
- affectation,
- algorithm,
- anatomy,
- angle,
- apparel,
- approach,
- archetype,
- architectonics,
- architecture,
- arrangement,
- array,
- art form,
- aspect,
- assemble,
- attack,
- attire,
- attitude,
- bedizenment,
- block out,
- bon ton,
- build,
- building,
- carve,
- cast,
- chic,
- chisel,
- clothes,
- clothing,
- command of language,
- complexion,
- compose,
- composition,
- compound,
- concoct,
- configuration,
- conformation,
- conformity,
- constitution,
- construct,
- construction,
- consuetude,
- contrive,
- convention,
- costume,
- course,
- craze,
- create,
- creation,
- cry,
- custom,
- cut,
- design,
- devise,
- drapery,
- dress,
- dressing,
- drift,
- duds,
- effect,
- efform,
- eidolon,
- elaborate,
- erect,
- established way,
- etiquette,
- evolve,
- exaggeration,
- expression of ideas,
- extrude,
- fabric,
- fabricate,
- fabrication,
- facet,
- fad,
- fashionable,
- fashioning,
- fatigues,
- feathers,
- feature,
- feeling for words,
- fig,
- figuration,
- figure,
- fix,
- folkway,
- forge,
- forging,
- form,
- form of speech,
- formalize,
- format,
- formation,
- formulate,
- found,
- frame,
- fudge together,
- furore,
- garb,
- garments,
- gear,
- genre,
- gestalt,
- get up,
- getup,
- grace of expression,
- grandiloquence,
- guise,
- habiliment,
- habit,
- hew,
- image,
- imago,
- impression,
- in fashion,
- indite,
- inflation,
- inner form,
- investiture,
- investment,
- knead,
- knock out,
- lay out,
- layout,
- lick into shape,
- light,
- likeness,
- line,
- line of action,
- lineaments,
- linen,
- lines,
- literary style,
- look,
- make,
- make up,
- makeup,
- making,
- mania,
- manner,
- manner of speaking,
- manner of working,
- mannerism,
- manners,
- manufacture,
- matrix,
- mature,
- means,
- method,
- methodology,
- mint,
- modality,
- mode,
- mode of expression,
- mode of operation,
- mode of procedure,
- model,
- modus,
- modus operandi,
- mold,
- molding,
- mores,
- mould,
- observance,
- order,
- organic structure,
- organism,
- organization,
- patch together,
- pattern,
- patterning,
- peculiarity,
- personal style,
- phase,
- phasis,
- physique,
- piece together,
- plan,
- plot,
- practice,
- praxis,
- prefabricate,
- prepare,
- prescription,
- procedure,
- proceeding,
- process,
- produce,
- production,
- proper thing,
- prototype,
- put together,
- put up,
- rage,
- rags,
- raiment,
- raise,
- rear,
- reference,
- regard,
- respect,
- rhetoric,
- ritual,
- robes,
- rough out,
- roughcast,
- roughhew,
- routine,
- run up,
- sculpt,
- sculpture,
- seeming,
- semblance,
- sense of language,
- set,
- set up,
- setup,
- shape,
- shaping,
- side,
- significant form,
- simulacrum,
- slant,
- social convention,
- sportswear,
- stamp,
- standard behavior,
- standard usage,
- standing custom,
- strain,
- structure,
- structuring,
- style,
- stylistic analysis,
- stylistics,
- system,
- tack,
- tailor,
- taste,
- technique,
- tectonics,
- tendency,
- tenor,
- texture,
- the drill,
- the grand style,
- the how,
- the in thing,
- the last word,
- the latest thing,
- the plain style,
- the rage,
- the sublime,
- the way of,
- thermoform,
- thing,
- threads,
- time-honored practice,
- tissue,
- togs,
- toilette,
- ton,
- tone,
- total effect,
- tradition,
- trend,
- trick,
- trim,
- turn,
- turn out,
- twig,
- twist,
- type,
- usage,
- use,
- vein,
- vestment,
- vesture,
- view,
- viewpoint,
- vogue,
- warp and woof,
- way,
- wear,
- wearing apparel,
- weave,
- web,
- what is done,
- whomp up,
- wise,
- wont,
- wonting,
- work,
- write