Exact Match:
- fat
- a soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids (mostly triglycerides); "pizza has too much fat"
- a chubby body; "the boy had a rounded face and fat cheeks"
- having much flesh (especially fat); "he hadn't remembered how fat she was"
- marked by great fruitfulness; "fertile farmland"; "a fat land"; "a productive vineyard"; "rich soil"
- lucrative; "a juicy contract"; "a nice fat job"
- having a relatively large diameter; "a fat rope"
- Boeotian,
- Haliver Oil,
- abounding,
- abounding in riches,
- abundant,
- adipose,
- adipose tissue,
- advantageous,
- affluent,
- all-sufficing,
- ample,
- animal oil,
- animal oils,
- aplenty,
- asinine,
- balmy,
- banausic,
- become overweight,
- bedizenment,
- beef tallow,
- beef-brained,
- beef-witted,
- beefy,
- big,
- big-bellied,
- big-rich,
- bloated,
- blockish,
- blocky,
- blooming,
- blossoming,
- blown up,
- blowzy,
- blubber,
- blubbery,
- bone oil,
- booming,
- bosomy,
- bottlenose oil,
- bottomless,
- bounteous,
- bountiful,
- bovine,
- brawny,
- breadwinning,
- broad,
- broad-bodied,
- bulky,
- bull,
- bullnecked,
- burly,
- butter,
- butterfat,
- buttery,
- butyraceous,
- buxom,
- cerate,
- champion,
- choice,
- cholesterol,
- chosen,
- chrismal,
- chrismatory,
- chubby,
- chumpish,
- chunky,
- clear,
- cloddish,
- coarse,
- cod-liver oil,
- comfortable,
- consonant,
- copious,
- corpulent,
- cowish,
- crass,
- cream,
- deep,
- dense,
- diffuse,
- dilated,
- disgustingly rich,
- distended,
- doegling oil,
- doltish,
- dripping,
- drippings,
- dropsical,
- drying oil,
- dullard,
- dumb,
- dumpy,
- duncical,
- duncish,
- duplication,
- duplication of effort,
- edematous,
- effuse,
- elect,
- elite,
- embellishment,
- enchymatous,
- engross,
- epidemic,
- essential oil,
- ester,
- exhaustless,
- expletive,
- extravagance,
- extravagant,
- exuberant,
- fair,
- fatten,
- fattish,
- fatty,
- fatty oil,
- featherbedding,
- fertile,
- filling,
- fish oil,
- fixed oil,
- flatulent,
- fleshy,
- flourishing,
- flower,
- flowering,
- flush,
- frightfully rich,
- frill,
- frills,
- frippery,
- fruiting,
- full,
- full-bodied,
- gain weight,
- gainful,
- galore,
- gassy,
- gather flesh,
- generous,
- ghee,
- gingerbread,
- glyceride,
- going strong,
- goose grease,
- grease,
- greasy,
- great,
- gross,
- halcyon,
- heavy,
- heavyset,
- heavyweight,
- hefty,
- hippy,
- husky,
- hydrogenated fat,
- imposing,
- in full swing,
- in funds,
- in good case,
- in plenty,
- in quantity,
- in the money,
- incrassate,
- independent,
- independently rich,
- independently wealthy,
- ineducable,
- inexhaustible,
- inflated,
- klutzy,
- lanolin,
- lard,
- lard oil,
- lardaceous,
- lardy,
- lavish,
- leaden,
- liberal,
- lipid,
- lipin,
- lipoid,
- lipoma,
- loaded,
- lucrative,
- lumpish,
- lusty,
- luxuriant,
- luxurious,
- luxury,
- made of money,
- many,
- margarine,
- massive,
- massy,
- maximal,
- meaty,
- mineral oil,
- moneyed,
- moneymaking,
- much,
- mucoid,
- mutton tallow,
- needlessness,
- negligible,
- nonesuch,
- nonpareil,
- numerous,
- oafish,
- obese,
- off,
- oil,
- oily,
- oleaginous,
- oleic,
- oleo,
- oleomargarine,
- oleum,
- oofy,
- opaque,
- optimum,
- opulent,
- ornamentation,
- orotund,
- outside,
- overabundance,
- overadornment,
- overblown,
- overflow,
- overflowing,
- overkill,
- overlap,
- overmuch,
- overplus,
- overweight,
- padding,
- palmy,
- paragon,
- paunchy,
- paying,
- payroll padding,
- pick,
- pinguefy,
- piping,
- plenitudinous,
- plenteous,
- plentiful,
- plenty,
- pleonasm,
- plethora,
- plethoric,
- plump,
- podgy,
- polyunsaturated fat,
- ponderous,
- porpoise oil,
- portly,
- potbellied,
- prevailing,
- prevalent,
- pride,
- prime,
- prize,
- prodigal,
- productive,
- profitable,
- profuse,
- profusive,
- prolixity,
- prospering,
- provided for,
- pudgy,
- puffed up,
- puffy,
- pug,
- pugged,
- pursy,
- put on weight,
- queen,
- quintessence,
- rampant,
- redundance,
- redundancy,
- remunerative,
- replete,
- resounding,
- retrousse,
- rich,
- rich as Croesus,
- rife,
- ringing,
- riotous,
- rolling in money,
- roly-poly,
- rosy,
- rotund,
- round,
- running over,
- seal oil,
- sebaceous,
- sebum,
- select,
- shortening,
- sleek,
- slender,
- slick,
- slight,
- slim,
- slippery,
- small,
- smooth,
- snub-nosed,
- soapy,
- sonorous,
- sottish,
- square,
- squat,
- squattish,
- squatty,
- stalwart,
- steroid,
- stocky,
- stout,
- strapping,
- stubbed,
- stubby,
- stumpy,
- stupid,
- suet,
- suety,
- superabundant,
- superfluity,
- superfluousness,
- superlative,
- surfeit,
- surplus,
- swelled,
- swollen,
- tallow,
- tallowy,
- tautology,
- teeming,
- the best,
- the best ever,
- the tops,
- the very best,
- thick,
- thick-bodied,
- thickset,
- three-dimensional,
- thriving,
- top,
- top-heavy,
- tubby,
- tumid,
- turgid,
- turned-up,
- unctuous,
- unguent,
- unguentary,
- unguentous,
- unnecessariness,
- unsaturated fat,
- unteachable,
- vegetable oil,
- ventose,
- verbosity,
- vibrant,
- vigorous,
- viscous,
- volatile oil,
- wallowing in wealth,
- warm,
- wealthy,
- weighty,
- well provided for,
- well-fed,
- well-fixed,
- well-found,
- well-furnished,
- well-heeled,
- well-off,
- well-paying,
- well-provided,
- well-stocked,
- well-to-do,
- whale oil,
- wholesale,
- wide,
- windy,
- wool fat,
- worthwhile,
- wrongheaded