Exact Match:
- feast
- something experienced with great delight; "a feast for the eyes"
- partake in a feast or banquet
- provide a feast or banquet for
- High Holiday,
- High Holy Day,
- Lucullan feast,
- Mardi Gras,
- Sabbath,
- Saturnalia,
- Sunday,
- allay,
- anniversary,
- appease,
- assuage,
- bank holiday,
- banquet,
- bean-feast,
- beano,
- birthday,
- blow,
- blowout,
- board,
- bread,
- bread and butter,
- carnival,
- celebration,
- cheer,
- church calendar,
- church feast,
- comestibles,
- commemoration,
- creature comfort,
- cuisine,
- daily bread,
- day of festivities,
- day off,
- delight,
- dine,
- do,
- do justice to,
- eat heartily,
- eat up,
- eatables,
- ecclesiastical calendar,
- edibles,
- entertain,
- entertainment,
- event,
- fair,
- fare,
- fare well,
- fast,
- fast food,
- feast day,
- feed,
- festal board,
- festival,
- festival day,
- festive occasion,
- festivity,
- fete,
- fete day,
- field day,
- fiesta,
- fixed feast,
- food,
- food and drink,
- foodstuff,
- gala,
- gala affair,
- gala day,
- gladden,
- gormandize,
- gratification,
- gratify,
- great doings,
- groaning board,
- health food,
- high day,
- high jinks,
- holiday,
- holy day,
- holytide,
- ingesta,
- jamboree,
- joyance,
- jubilation,
- jubilee,
- junk food,
- kermis,
- kitchen stuff,
- legal holiday,
- mad round,
- meal,
- meat,
- memorialization,
- merrymaking,
- observance,
- occasion,
- overindulge,
- party,
- picnic,
- please,
- pleasure,
- polish the platter,
- provender,
- provision,
- put it away,
- quench,
- red-letter day,
- refreshment,
- regale,
- regalement,
- repast,
- revel,
- revelment,
- revelry,
- rite,
- ritual,
- round of pleasures,
- sate,
- satiate,
- satisfy,
- slake,
- solemnization,
- spread,
- sustenance,
- table,
- treat,
- tucker,
- viands,
- victuals,
- vittles,
- waygoose,
- wayzgoose,
- wine and dine