Exact Match:
- fetter
- a shackle for the ankles or feet
- restrain with fetters
- Oregon boat,
- anchor,
- arrest,
- bearing rein,
- bilbo,
- bind,
- bit,
- bond,
- bonds,
- brake,
- bridle,
- burden,
- camisole,
- chain,
- chains,
- check,
- checkrein,
- chock,
- clog,
- collar,
- countercheck,
- cramp,
- cripple,
- cuffs,
- cumber,
- curb,
- curb bit,
- damper,
- doorstop,
- drag,
- drag sail,
- drift anchor,
- drift sail,
- drogue,
- embarrass,
- enchain,
- encumber,
- enmesh,
- ensnarl,
- entangle,
- entoil,
- entrammel,
- entrap,
- entwine,
- fasten,
- gag,
- gyve,
- gyves,
- halter,
- hamper,
- hamstring,
- handcuff,
- handcuffs,
- handicap,
- harness,
- hitch up,
- hobble,
- hobbles,
- hog-tie,
- holdback,
- hook up,
- hopple,
- hopples,
- impede,
- involve,
- irons,
- lame,
- lash,
- leading strings,
- leash,
- lime,
- lumber,
- make fast,
- manacle,
- martingale,
- moor,
- muzzle,
- net,
- peg down,
- pelham,
- picket,
- pillory,
- pin down,
- pinion,
- press down,
- put in irons,
- reins,
- remora,
- restrain,
- restraint,
- restraints,
- rope,
- saddle,
- saddle with,
- scotch,
- sea anchor,
- secure,
- shackle,
- snaffle,
- snarl,
- spoke,
- stay,
- stocks,
- stop,
- straightjacket,
- strait-waistcoat,
- straitjacket,
- stranglehold,
- strap,
- tangle,
- tether,
- tie,
- tie down,
- tie up,
- toil,
- trammel,
- trammels,
- weigh down,
- yoke