Exact Match:
- field
- a particular kind of commercial enterprise; "they are outstanding in their field"
- the area that is visible (as through an optical instrument)
- all the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event
- all of the horses in a particular horse race
- (mathematics) a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1; "the set of all rational numbers is a field"
- (computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of information
- a region in which active military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years"
- somewhere (away from a studio or office or library or laboratory) where practical work is done or data is collected; "anthropologists do much of their work in the field"
- a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed; "he planted a field of wheat"
- a geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found; "the diamond fields of South Africa"
- the space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it
- select (a team or individual player) for a game; "The Buckeyes fielded a young new quarterback for the Rose Bowl"
- answer adequately or successfully; "The lawyer fielded all questions from the press"
- play as a fielder
- catch or pick up (balls) in baseball or cricket
- DMZ,
- academic discipline,
- academic specialty,
- aceldama,
- achievement,
- acreage,
- aerodrome,
- agora,
- air base,
- airdrome,
- airfield,
- airport,
- alerion,
- ambit,
- amphitheater,
- ample scope,
- animal charge,
- annulet,
- answer,
- applicants,
- applied science,
- arable,
- archery ground,
- area,
- arena,
- argent,
- armorial bearings,
- armory,
- arms,
- art,
- athletic field,
- auditorium,
- azure,
- back,
- backdrop,
- background,
- badminton court,
- bag,
- bailiwick,
- bandeau,
- bar,
- bar sinister,
- baseball field,
- basketball court,
- baton,
- battle line,
- battle site,
- battlefield,
- battleground,
- bear garden,
- bearings,
- beat,
- bend,
- bend sinister,
- billet,
- billiard parlor,
- blank check,
- blazon,
- blazonry,
- block,
- border,
- borderland,
- bordure,
- bounds,
- bowl,
- bowling alley,
- bowling green,
- boxing ring,
- breadth,
- broad arrow,
- bull ring,
- cadency mark,
- campus,
- candidates,
- canton,
- canvas,
- carte blanche,
- catch,
- champaign,
- chaplet,
- charge,
- chevron,
- chief,
- cincture,
- circle,
- circuit,
- circus,
- classical education,
- clearance,
- clearing,
- clos,
- close,
- coat of arms,
- cockatrice,
- cockpit,
- coliseum,
- colosseum,
- combat area,
- combat zone,
- common,
- compass,
- competition,
- competitor,
- competitors,
- concern,
- confine,
- confines,
- container,
- contender,
- contestant,
- continuum,
- coop,
- cope with,
- core curriculum,
- corn field,
- coronet,
- corrival,
- course,
- course of study,
- court,
- courtyard,
- crescent,
- crest,
- cricket ground,
- croft,
- croquet ground,
- croquet lawn,
- cross,
- cross moline,
- crown,
- cultivated land,
- cup of tea,
- curriculum,
- curtilage,
- deal with,
- delimited field,
- demesne,
- department,
- department of knowledge,
- device,
- diamond,
- difference,
- differencing,
- dimension,
- discipline,
- distance,
- division,
- domain,
- dominion,
- eagle,
- elbowroom,
- elective,
- emptiness,
- empty space,
- emulator,
- enclave,
- enclosure,
- enemy line,
- entrant,
- ermine,
- ermines,
- erminites,
- erminois,
- escutcheon,
- expanse,
- expansion,
- expertise,
- extension,
- extent,
- fairway,
- falcon,
- fess,
- fess point,
- field of battle,
- field of blood,
- field of inquiry,
- field of study,
- file,
- firing line,
- flanch,
- fleur-de-lis,
- floor,
- fold,
- football field,
- forte,
- forty,
- forum,
- free course,
- free hand,
- free play,
- free scope,
- fret,
- front line,
- full scope,
- full swing,
- fur,
- fusil,
- galactic space,
- garland,
- general education,
- general studies,
- glaciarium,
- golf course,
- golf links,
- grassland,
- green,
- greensward,
- gridiron,
- griffin,
- ground,
- gules,
- gym,
- gymnasium,
- gyron,
- hall,
- handle,
- hatchment,
- hayfield,
- heliport,
- helmet,
- hemisphere,
- heraldic device,
- hinterland,
- humanities,
- ice rink,
- impalement,
- impaling,
- inescutcheon,
- infield,
- infinite space,
- interest,
- interstellar space,
- island,
- judicial circuit,
- jurisdiction,
- killing ground,
- kraal,
- label,
- land,
- landing,
- landing beach,
- landing field,
- latitude,
- lawn,
- lea,
- leeway,
- liberal arts,
- limits,
- line,
- line of battle,
- links,
- lion,
- list,
- lists,
- locale,
- long rope,
- long suit,
- lot,
- lozenge,
- main interest,
- major,
- maneuvering space,
- manipulate,
- manner,
- mantling,
- march,
- margin,
- marketplace,
- marshaling,
- martlet,
- mascle,
- mat,
- mead,
- meadow,
- measure,
- metal,
- metier,
- milieu,
- minor,
- mise-en-scene,
- motto,
- mullet,
- natural science,
- no holds barred,
- nombril point,
- nothingness,
- octofoil,
- ology,
- open forum,
- open space,
- or,
- orb,
- orbit,
- ordinary,
- orle,
- outer space,
- outfield,
- oval,
- paddy,
- palaestra,
- pale,
- paling,
- paly,
- parade ground,
- parcel of land,
- park,
- pasture,
- patch,
- pean,
- pen,
- pet subject,
- pheon,
- pick up,
- piece of land,
- pit,
- place,
- plat,
- platform,
- play,
- player,
- playground,
- playing field,
- playroom,
- plot,
- plot of ground,
- polo ground,
- pool hall,
- poolroom,
- port,
- possibilities,
- precinct,
- prize ring,
- proportion,
- proseminar,
- province,
- public square,
- pure science,
- purlieu,
- purpure,
- pursuit,
- purview,
- putting green,
- quad,
- quadrangle,
- quadrivium,
- quarter,
- quartering,
- racecourse,
- racket court,
- range,
- reach,
- real estate,
- realm,
- rear,
- refresher course,
- region,
- reply to,
- respond to,
- retrieve,
- return,
- rice paddy,
- ring,
- rink,
- rival,
- room,
- rope,
- rose,
- round,
- sable,
- saltire,
- scene,
- scene of action,
- scenery,
- science,
- scientific education,
- scope,
- scutcheon,
- sea room,
- seat of war,
- section,
- seminar,
- setting,
- shambles,
- shield,
- site,
- skating rink,
- soccer field,
- social science,
- space,
- spatial extension,
- specialism,
- speciality,
- specialization,
- specialty,
- sphere,
- spread,
- spread eagle,
- square,
- squared circle,
- squash court,
- stadium,
- stage,
- stage set,
- stage setting,
- stop,
- strength,
- stretch,
- strong point,
- study,
- style,
- subdiscipline,
- subject,
- subordinary,
- superficial extension,
- surface,
- sward,
- sweep,
- swing,
- technical education,
- technicality,
- technicology,
- technics,
- technology,
- tenne,
- tennis court,
- terrain,
- territory,
- the field,
- the front,
- theater,
- theater of operations,
- theater of war,
- thing,
- tilting ground,
- tiltyard,
- tincture,
- toft,
- tolerance,
- torse,
- track,
- tract,
- tressure,
- trivium,
- turf,
- type,
- unicorn,
- vair,
- vert,
- vier,
- vocation,
- void,
- walk,
- way,
- weakness,
- wheat field,
- wide berth,
- wreath,
- wrestling ring,
- yale,
- yard,
- zone of communications