Exact Match:
- fish
- any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills; "the shark is a large fish"; "in the living room there was a tank of colorful fish"
- the flesh of fish used as food; "in Japan most fish is eaten raw"; "after the scare about foot-and-mouth disease a lot of people started eating fish instead of meat"; "they have a chef who specializes in fish"
- catch or try to catch fish or shellfish; "I like to go fishing on weekends"
- seek indirectly; "fish for compliments"
- C,
- C-note,
- Chinook salmon,
- G,
- G-note,
- Loch Ness monster,
- Sunapee trout,
- aerial torpedo,
- albacore,
- alevin,
- alewife,
- alligator gar,
- amber jack,
- anchovy,
- angel fish,
- angle,
- anguille,
- archerfish,
- argusfish,
- babe,
- bait the hook,
- bangalore torpedo,
- barbel,
- barn door skate,
- barracuda,
- basking shark,
- bass,
- benthon,
- benthos,
- bill,
- black bass,
- black sea bass,
- blackfish,
- bleak,
- blind fish,
- blue fish,
- blue shark,
- bluegill,
- bob,
- bone,
- bonito,
- boob,
- bowfin,
- bream,
- brook trout,
- brown trout,
- buck,
- buffalo fish,
- bullhead,
- burbot,
- butt,
- butterfish,
- candlefish,
- capelin,
- carp,
- cartwheel,
- catfish,
- caviar,
- cent,
- century,
- cetacean,
- channel bass,
- char,
- chimaera,
- chub,
- chump,
- cichlid,
- cinch,
- cisco,
- clam,
- cobia,
- cod,
- codfish,
- coelacanth,
- conger,
- conger eel,
- copper,
- crappie,
- credulous person,
- croaker,
- cull,
- cutlass fish,
- cutthroat trout,
- dace,
- dap,
- darter,
- devilfish,
- dib,
- dibble,
- dime,
- doctor fish,
- dogfish,
- dollar,
- dollar bill,
- dolphin,
- dorado,
- dragon fish,
- drive,
- drum,
- drumfish,
- dupe,
- easy mark,
- easy pickings,
- eel,
- eelpout,
- electric ray,
- fall guy,
- fifty cents,
- filefish,
- fin,
- fingerling,
- fish,
- fish eggs,
- five cents,
- five hundred dollars,
- five-dollar bill,
- five-hundred-dollar bill,
- five-spot,
- fiver,
- flame tetra,
- flounder,
- fluke,
- fly-fish,
- fool,
- four bits,
- frogskin,
- fry,
- game fish,
- gar,
- gig,
- globefish,
- go fishing,
- goatfish,
- gobe-mouches,
- goby,
- goldfish,
- grand,
- greener,
- greenhorn,
- greeny,
- grig,
- grilse,
- grouper,
- grunt,
- guddle,
- gudgeon,
- gull,
- gunnel,
- haddock,
- hake,
- half G,
- half a C,
- half dollar,
- half grand,
- halibut,
- herring,
- hippocampus,
- hogfish,
- homing torpedo,
- horse mackerel,
- hundred-dollar bill,
- innocent,
- iron man,
- jack,
- jacklight,
- jewfish,
- jig,
- kingfish,
- kipper,
- kippered salmon,
- lake trout,
- lamprey,
- lantern fish,
- leadpipe cinch,
- ling,
- loach,
- lung fish,
- mackerel,
- mako shark,
- man-eater,
- man-eating shark,
- manta,
- marine animal,
- marlin,
- menhaden,
- mill,
- minnow,
- minny,
- monkey,
- moray eel,
- mudfish,
- muskellunge,
- nekton,
- net,
- nickel,
- oquassa,
- paddlefish,
- panfish,
- papagallo,
- patsy,
- penny,
- perch,
- permit,
- pickerel,
- pigeon,
- pike,
- pike perch,
- pilchard,
- pilot fish,
- piranha,
- plaice,
- plankton,
- plaything,
- poisson,
- pollack,
- pompano,
- porbeagle,
- porgy,
- porpoise,
- prize sap,
- puffer,
- pushover,
- quarter,
- rainbow trout,
- ray,
- red cent,
- red herring,
- redfin,
- redfish,
- roach,
- rocket torpedo,
- roe,
- roosterfish,
- salmon,
- salmon trout,
- sap,
- saphead,
- sardine,
- sawbuck,
- sawfish,
- schlemiel,
- scup,
- sea bass,
- sea horse,
- sea monster,
- sea pig,
- sea serpent,
- sea snake,
- seafood,
- seine,
- sergeant fish,
- shark,
- shiner,
- shrimp,
- silver dollar,
- sitting duck,
- skate,
- skin,
- smacker,
- smelt,
- smoked herring,
- smolt,
- snapper,
- snook,
- sole,
- spar torpedo,
- speckled trout,
- spin,
- sponge,
- sprat,
- steelhead,
- stickleback,
- still-fish,
- stooge,
- striped bass,
- sturgeon,
- submarine torpedo,
- sucker,
- sunfish,
- swordfish,
- tarpon,
- ten cents,
- ten-spot,
- tenner,
- thornback ray,
- thousand dollars,
- thousand-dollar bill,
- thresher,
- toadfish,
- tope,
- torch,
- torpedo fish,
- toy,
- trawl,
- triggerfish,
- troll,
- tropical fish,
- trout,
- trusting soul,
- tuna,
- tunny,
- turbot,
- twenty-dollar bill,
- twenty-five cents,
- two bits,
- two-dollar bill,
- two-spot,
- veiltail,
- victim,
- wahoo,
- walleye,
- walleyed pike,
- weakfish,
- whale,
- whitefish,
- whiting,
- yard,
- yellowtail