Exact Match:
- flash
- a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph
- a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification; "red flashes adorned the airplane"; "a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to"
- a momentary brightness
- a sudden brilliant understanding; "he had a flash of intuition"
- a short vivid experience; "a flash of emotion swept over him"; "the flashings of pain were a warning"
- a sudden intense burst of radiant energy
- appear briefly; "The headlines flashed on the screen"
- emit a brief burst of light; "A shooting star flashed and was gone"
- make known or cause to appear with great speed; "The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts"
- protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal; "flash the roof"
- expose or show briefly; "he flashed a $100 bill"
- gleam or glow intermittently; "The lights were flashing"
- Teletype,
- advertise,
- air,
- antelope,
- arrow,
- automatic response,
- backfire,
- bang,
- be bright,
- beacon,
- beam,
- beat the drum,
- bedazzle,
- blare,
- blast,
- blaze,
- blaze of light,
- blazon forth,
- blind,
- blind impulse,
- blink,
- blowout,
- blowup,
- blue darter,
- blue streak,
- bob up,
- bolt,
- boom,
- brain wave,
- brainstorm,
- brandish,
- break forth,
- breath,
- breathing,
- bulletin,
- burn,
- burst,
- burst forth,
- burst out,
- cable,
- cannonball,
- cast,
- chic,
- classy,
- coruscate,
- coruscation,
- coup,
- courser,
- crack,
- dangle,
- dart,
- dash,
- daze,
- dazzle,
- dazzling,
- debouch,
- deflagration,
- demonstrate,
- detonation,
- diffuse light,
- dip,
- discharge,
- display,
- disport,
- drive,
- eagle,
- electricity,
- emblazon,
- erupt,
- exchange colors,
- exhibit,
- exhibition,
- explosion,
- expose,
- express train,
- facula,
- fancy,
- flag,
- flag down,
- flame,
- flare,
- flare up,
- flare-up,
- flash fire,
- flashy,
- flaunt,
- fleeting impulse,
- flick,
- flicker,
- flickering,
- flourish,
- fly,
- fulgurate,
- fulguration,
- fulmination,
- gazelle,
- give a signal,
- give light,
- give the nod,
- glance,
- glare,
- gleam,
- gleam of light,
- glimmer,
- glimpse,
- glint,
- glisten,
- glitter,
- glow,
- greased lightning,
- greyhound,
- gut response,
- hail,
- hail and speak,
- half a jiffy,
- half a mo,
- half a second,
- half a shake,
- half an eye,
- half-mast,
- hare,
- hasten,
- hint,
- hoist a banner,
- hold up,
- hurry,
- iffy,
- impulse,
- incandesce,
- indication,
- inspiration,
- instant,
- instinct,
- involuntary impulse,
- irrupt,
- jet plane,
- jiff,
- jiffy,
- kick,
- leer,
- light,
- lightning,
- luster,
- make a sign,
- manifest,
- manifestation,
- mercury,
- microsecond,
- millisecond,
- minute,
- moment,
- natural impulse,
- news report,
- nod,
- notion,
- nudge,
- ostentatious,
- outbreak,
- outburst,
- parade,
- peek,
- peep,
- poke,
- pop up,
- put forth,
- put forward,
- quick hunch,
- quick sight,
- quicksilver,
- quiver,
- race,
- radiate,
- radio,
- raise a cry,
- rapid glance,
- ray,
- reflex,
- report,
- ritzy,
- rocket,
- run,
- rush,
- salute,
- scamper,
- scared rabbit,
- scintilla,
- scintillate,
- scintillation,
- scoot,
- scuttle,
- sec,
- second,
- send a wire,
- send out rays,
- shaft,
- shake,
- shimmer,
- shine,
- shine brightly,
- shoot,
- shoot out rays,
- shot,
- show,
- show off,
- showy,
- sign,
- sign off,
- sign on,
- signal,
- signalize,
- skedaddle,
- slant,
- smart,
- snazzy,
- solar flare,
- solar prominence,
- sound an alarm,
- sound the trumpet,
- spangle,
- spark,
- sparkle,
- speak,
- speed,
- split second,
- sport,
- spring up,
- sprint,
- squiz,
- start up,
- streak,
- streak of lightning,
- striped snake,
- stroke,
- sudden thought,
- suggestion,
- swallow,
- swish,
- take off,
- tear,
- telegram,
- telegraph,
- telex,
- thought,
- thunderbolt,
- tick,
- torrent,
- touch,
- trice,
- trot out,
- trumpet,
- trumpet forth,
- twink,
- twinkle,
- twinkling,
- twitch,
- two shakes,
- unfurl a flag,
- urge,
- vaunt,
- wave,
- wave a flag,
- wave the hand,
- whistle,
- whiz,
- wind,
- wink,
- wire,
- zoom