- adrift,
- afloat,
- airborne,
- alternating,
- amorphous,
- brittle,
- capricious,
- changeable,
- changeful,
- circumforaneous,
- corruptible,
- deciduous,
- desultory,
- deviable,
- discursive,
- divagatory,
- dizzy,
- drifting,
- dying,
- eccentric,
- ephemeral,
- errant,
- erratic,
- evanescent,
- fading,
- fast and loose,
- fickle,
- fitful,
- fleeting,
- flickering,
- flighty,
- floating,
- fluctuating,
- fluttering,
- fly-by-night,
- flying,
- footloose,
- footloose and fancy-free,
- fragile,
- frail,
- freakish,
- fugacious,
- fugitive,
- gadding,
- giddy,
- gliding,
- gypsy-like,
- gypsyish,
- hovering,
- impermanent,
- impetuous,
- impulsive,
- inconsistent,
- inconstant,
- indecisive,
- infirm,
- insubstantial,
- irregular,
- irresolute,
- irresponsible,
- jet-propelled,
- landloping,
- mazy,
- meandering,
- mercurial,
- migrational,
- migratory,
- momentary,
- moody,
- mortal,
- mutable,
- nomad,
- nomadic,
- nondurable,
- nonpermanent,
- passing,
- perishable,
- rambling,
- ranging,
- restless,
- roaming,
- rocket-propelled,
- roving,
- scatterbrained,
- shapeless,
- shifting,
- shifty,
- short-lived,
- shuffling,
- spasmodic,
- spineless,
- straggling,
- straying,
- strolling,
- temporal,
- temporary,
- traipsing,
- transient,
- transitive,
- transitory,
- transmigratory,
- unaccountable,
- uncertain,
- uncontrolled,
- undependable,
- undisciplined,
- undurable,
- unenduring,
- unfixed,
- unpredictable,
- unreliable,
- unrestrained,
- unsettled,
- unstable,
- unstable as water,
- unstaid,
- unsteadfast,
- unsteady,
- vacillating,
- vagabond,
- vagrant,
- variable,
- vicissitudinary,
- vicissitudinous,
- volant,
- volatile,
- volitant,
- wandering,
- wanton,
- wavering,
- wavery,
- wavy,
- wayward,
- whimsical,
- winging,
- wishy-washy