Exact Match:
- flute
- a high-pitched woodwind instrument; a slender tube closed at one end with finger holes on one end and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown
- a groove or furrow in cloth etc (particularly a shallow concave groove on the shaft of a column)
- a tall narrow wineglass
- form flutes in
- English horn,
- Pandean pipe,
- aulos,
- bagpipe,
- bark,
- basset horn,
- basset oboe,
- bassoon,
- bawl,
- bellow,
- bezel,
- blare,
- blat,
- blow,
- blow a horn,
- blubber,
- bombard,
- boom,
- bray,
- breathe,
- bugle,
- buzz,
- cackle,
- canal,
- canalize,
- carillon,
- carve,
- chamfer,
- channel,
- chant,
- chase,
- chink,
- chirp,
- chisel,
- clarinet,
- clarion,
- contrabassoon,
- contrafagotto,
- coo,
- corrugate,
- corrugation,
- crack,
- cranny,
- crease,
- crimp,
- crisp,
- cromorne,
- crow,
- cut,
- dado,
- dike,
- ditch,
- dog-ear,
- doodle,
- double,
- double bassoon,
- double over,
- double reed,
- double-tongue,
- drawl,
- enfold,
- engrave,
- engraving,
- exclaim,
- fife,
- fipple flute,
- flageolet,
- flounce,
- fluting,
- fold,
- fold over,
- frill,
- furrow,
- gash,
- gasp,
- gather,
- goffer,
- gouge,
- groove,
- growl,
- grunt,
- gully,
- hautboy,
- heckelphone,
- hiss,
- hornpipe,
- incise,
- incision,
- infold,
- interfold,
- keen,
- lap over,
- licorice stick,
- lilt,
- lip,
- microgroove,
- mumble,
- murmur,
- musette,
- mutter,
- oaten reed,
- oboe,
- oboe da caccia,
- ocarina,
- panpipe,
- pant,
- penny-whistle,
- piccolo,
- pipe,
- plait,
- plat,
- pleat,
- plicate,
- plow,
- ply,
- pommer,
- quill,
- rabbet,
- recorder,
- reed,
- reed instrument,
- rifle,
- rifling,
- roar,
- ruck,
- ruff,
- ruffle,
- rumble,
- rut,
- sax,
- saxophone,
- score,
- scratch,
- scream,
- screech,
- shawm,
- shriek,
- sibilate,
- sigh,
- sing,
- single reed,
- single-reed instrument,
- slit,
- snap,
- snarl,
- snort,
- sob,
- sonorophone,
- sound,
- squall,
- squawk,
- squeal,
- streak,
- stria,
- striate,
- striation,
- sulcation,
- sulcus,
- sweet potato,
- syrinx,
- tabor pipe,
- tenoroon,
- thunder,
- tin-whistle,
- tongue,
- toot,
- tootle,
- trench,
- triple-tongue,
- trough,
- trumpet,
- tuck,
- turn over,
- twang,
- tweedle,
- twill,
- wail,
- warble,
- well-worn groove,
- whine,
- whisper,
- whistle,
- wind,
- wind the horn,
- woods,
- woodwind,
- woodwind choir,
- woodwind instrument,
- wrinkle,
- yap,
- yawp,
- yell,
- yelp