Exact Match:
- flux
- in constant change; "his opinions are in flux"; "the newness and flux of the computer industry"
- a flow or discharge
- a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event) preceding the establishment of a new direction of action; "the flux following the death of the emperor"
- excessive discharge of liquid from a cavity or organ (as in watery diarrhea)
- a substance added to molten metals to bond with impurities that can then be readily removed
- the rate of flow of energy or particles across a given surface
- ASA scale,
- BM,
- British candle,
- Brownian movement,
- Hefner candle,
- Scheiner scale,
- abscess,
- add,
- advance,
- affluence,
- afflux,
- affluxion,
- ague,
- amalgamate,
- anemia,
- angular motion,
- ankylosis,
- anoxia,
- anticoagulant,
- apnea,
- ascending,
- ascent,
- asphyxiation,
- assimilate,
- asthma,
- ataxia,
- atrophy,
- axial motion,
- backache,
- backflowing,
- backing,
- backward motion,
- bandage,
- bathe,
- bleeding,
- blend,
- blennorhea,
- bloody flux,
- bougie decimale,
- bowel movement,
- cachexia,
- cachexy,
- candle,
- candle lumen,
- candle power,
- candle-foot,
- candle-hour,
- candle-meter,
- cardialgia,
- care for,
- career,
- catharsis,
- change,
- chill,
- chills,
- china clay,
- china stone,
- cholera morbus,
- chylifaction,
- chylification,
- clay,
- climbing,
- coalesce,
- colic,
- colliquate,
- combine,
- come together,
- compound,
- comprise,
- concourse,
- confluence,
- conflux,
- connect,
- consolidate,
- constipation,
- convulsion,
- costiveness,
- coughing,
- course,
- crap,
- crosscurrent,
- cure,
- current,
- cut,
- cyanosis,
- decimal candle,
- decoagulate,
- decoct,
- defecation,
- defluxion,
- defrost,
- dejection,
- deliquesce,
- descending,
- descent,
- diagnose,
- diarrhea,
- diluent,
- dilutant,
- direct tide,
- discharge,
- dissolve,
- dissolvent,
- dissolving agent,
- dizziness,
- doctor,
- downflow,
- downpour,
- downward motion,
- drift,
- driftage,
- dropsy,
- dysentery,
- dyspepsia,
- dyspnea,
- ebb,
- ebb and flow,
- ebb tide,
- ebbing,
- edema,
- effusion,
- egestion,
- ejaculation,
- ejection,
- elimination,
- emaciation,
- embody,
- emission,
- encompass,
- evacuation,
- excretion,
- exposure meter,
- extravasation,
- extrusion,
- exudation,
- fainting,
- fatigue,
- fever,
- fibrillation,
- fireclay,
- flight,
- flood,
- flood tide,
- flow,
- flowing,
- fluctuation,
- fluency,
- fluidify,
- fluidity,
- fluidize,
- fluidness,
- flux and reflux,
- fluxility,
- fluxion,
- foot-candle,
- forward motion,
- full tide,
- fuse,
- give care to,
- glaze,
- gripe,
- gripes,
- growth,
- gush,
- heal,
- heartburn,
- hemorrhage,
- high blood pressure,
- high tide,
- high water,
- hydrops,
- hypertension,
- hypotension,
- icterus,
- include,
- incorporate,
- indecision,
- indecisiveness,
- indigestion,
- inflammation,
- inflow,
- infuse,
- insomnia,
- instability,
- integrate,
- intensity,
- interblend,
- interfuse,
- international candle,
- irregularity,
- itching,
- jaundice,
- join,
- juiciness,
- kaolin,
- labored breathing,
- lactation,
- lactescence,
- lamp-hour,
- leach,
- lientery,
- light,
- light meter,
- light quantum,
- liquefacient,
- liquefaction,
- liquefier,
- liquefy,
- liquesce,
- liquidize,
- liquidness,
- lixiviate,
- loose bowels,
- low blood pressure,
- low tide,
- low water,
- lumbago,
- lumen,
- lumen meter,
- lumen-hour,
- lumeter,
- luminous flux,
- luminous intensity,
- luminous power,
- lump together,
- lunar tide,
- lux,
- make one,
- marasmus,
- massage,
- meld,
- melt,
- melt down,
- melt into one,
- merge,
- milkiness,
- mill run,
- millrace,
- minister to,
- mix,
- modification,
- moisture,
- motion,
- mounting,
- movement,
- mutation,
- nasal discharge,
- nausea,
- neap,
- neap tide,
- necrosis,
- nurse,
- oblique motion,
- obstipation,
- ongoing,
- onrush,
- onward course,
- operate on,
- opposite tide,
- oscillation,
- outflow,
- pain,
- paralysis,
- passage,
- percolate,
- petuntse,
- photon,
- physic,
- plaster,
- plunging,
- porcelain clay,
- poultice,
- progress,
- pruritus,
- purgation,
- purge,
- put together,
- pyrosis,
- quantum,
- race,
- radial motion,
- random motion,
- rash,
- reembody,
- refine,
- reflowing,
- refluence,
- reflux,
- refractory clay,
- regression,
- remedy,
- render,
- resolutive,
- resolvent,
- retrogression,
- rheum,
- rheuminess,
- rip,
- riptide,
- rising,
- roll into one,
- rub,
- run,
- runs,
- rush,
- sappiness,
- sclerosis,
- secretion,
- seizure,
- serosity,
- set,
- shade into,
- shit,
- shits,
- shock,
- sideward motion,
- sinking,
- skin eruption,
- slip,
- smelt,
- sneezing,
- soaring,
- solar tide,
- solidify,
- solubilize,
- solve,
- solvent,
- sore,
- spasm,
- spate,
- splint,
- spring tide,
- sternway,
- stool,
- strap,
- stream,
- subsiding,
- succulence,
- suppuration,
- surge,
- swing,
- swinging,
- syncretize,
- syndicate,
- synthesize,
- tabes,
- tachycardia,
- thalassometer,
- thaw,
- thin,
- thinner,
- tidal amplitude,
- tidal current,
- tidal current chart,
- tidal flow,
- tidal range,
- tide,
- tide chart,
- tide gate,
- tide gauge,
- tide race,
- tide rip,
- tidewater,
- tideway,
- traject,
- trajet,
- transudation,
- treat,
- trend,
- trots,
- tumor,
- turistas,
- unclot,
- undercurrent,
- undertow,
- unfreeze,
- unify,
- unit of flux,
- unit of light,
- unite,
- unrest,
- upset stomach,
- upward motion,
- vertigo,
- voidance,
- vomiting,
- wasting,
- water flow,
- wateriness,
- wavering