Exact Match:
- foil
- a light slender flexible sword tipped by a button
- a piece of thin and flexible sheet metal; "the photographic film was wrapped in foil"
- picture consisting of a positive photograph or drawing on a transparent base; viewed with a projector
- anything that serves by contrast to call attention to another thing's good qualities; "pretty girls like plain friends as foils"
- cover or back with foil; "foil mirrors"
- enhance by contrast; "In this picture, the figures are foiled against the background"
- Roscius,
- actor,
- actress,
- antagonist,
- antipode,
- antipodes,
- antipole,
- antithesis,
- antonym,
- background,
- background detail,
- bad guy,
- baffle,
- bafflement,
- balk,
- balking,
- barnstormer,
- beat,
- bilbo,
- bilk,
- blast,
- brave,
- broadsword,
- buffalo,
- cast down,
- challenge,
- character,
- character actor,
- character man,
- character woman,
- check,
- checkmate,
- child actor,
- circumvent,
- claymore,
- coat,
- coating,
- collop,
- confound,
- confounding,
- confront,
- confusion,
- contra,
- contravene,
- converse,
- counter,
- counteract,
- counterbalance,
- countercheck,
- countermand,
- counterpoint,
- counterpoise,
- counterpole,
- counterterm,
- counterwork,
- covering,
- cross,
- curb,
- cut,
- cutlass,
- dash,
- daunt,
- deal,
- deceive,
- decorative composition,
- decorative style,
- defeat,
- defeat expectation,
- defy,
- design,
- destroy,
- detail,
- disappoint,
- discomfit,
- discomfiture,
- disconcert,
- disconcertion,
- discountenance,
- diseur,
- diseuse,
- dish,
- disillusion,
- disk,
- disrupt,
- dissatisfy,
- dramatizer,
- elude,
- embarrass,
- epee,
- evade,
- falchion,
- faze,
- feeder,
- feuille,
- figure,
- film,
- flake,
- flap,
- flummox,
- foiling,
- fold,
- foreground detail,
- form,
- frustrate,
- frustration,
- get around,
- get round,
- give the runaround,
- give the slip,
- glaive,
- go one better,
- hamper,
- heavy,
- histrio,
- histrion,
- impede,
- ingenue,
- inverse,
- juvenile,
- knock the chocks,
- lamella,
- lamina,
- laminated glass,
- laminated wood,
- lamination,
- lap,
- layer,
- leaf,
- let down,
- matinee idol,
- membrane,
- mime,
- mimer,
- mimic,
- monologist,
- motif,
- mummer,
- national style,
- nonplus,
- nullify,
- obverse,
- offset,
- opposite,
- opposite number,
- ornamental motif,
- outfigure,
- outflank,
- outgeneral,
- outguess,
- outmaneuver,
- outplay,
- outreach,
- outsmart,
- outwit,
- overreach,
- pane,
- panel,
- pantomime,
- pantomimist,
- parry,
- pass the buck,
- patina,
- pattern,
- peel,
- pellicle,
- period style,
- perplex,
- plait,
- plank,
- plate,
- plating,
- playactor,
- player,
- ply,
- plywood,
- protean actor,
- rapier,
- rasher,
- rattle,
- rebuff,
- reciter,
- repeated figure,
- repulse,
- restrain,
- reversal,
- reverse,
- rout,
- ruin,
- saber,
- sabotage,
- safety glass,
- scale,
- scimitar,
- scotch,
- scum,
- setback,
- setoff,
- setting,
- sheet,
- skin,
- slab,
- slat,
- slice,
- soubrette,
- spike,
- spoil,
- stage performer,
- stage player,
- stonewall,
- stooge,
- straight man,
- stroller,
- strolling player,
- stump,
- style,
- table,
- tablet,
- tantalize,
- tease,
- the contrary,
- the other side,
- theatrical,
- theme,
- thespian,
- thwart,
- thwarting,
- touch,
- trouper,
- tuck,
- upset,
- utility man,
- veneer,
- victimize,
- villain,
- vis-a-vis,
- wafer