Exact Match:
- fountain
- a plumbing fixture that provides a flow of water
- an artificially produced flow of water
- a structure from which an artificially produced jet of water arises
- anabasis,
- ascension,
- ascent,
- bob up,
- bonanza,
- break water,
- clamber,
- climb,
- climbing,
- cornucopia,
- elevation,
- escalade,
- float up,
- flush,
- fly up,
- font,
- fount,
- fountainhead,
- genesis,
- geyser,
- gold mine,
- gush,
- gyring up,
- headspring,
- headstream,
- headwater,
- inception,
- increase,
- jet,
- jump,
- jump up,
- leap,
- leap up,
- levitation,
- lode,
- mainspring,
- mine,
- mount,
- mounting,
- origin,
- pop up,
- provenance,
- provenience,
- quarry,
- resource,
- rise,
- rising,
- riverhead,
- rocket,
- rocketing up,
- root,
- rush,
- saltation,
- shoot up,
- shooting up,
- skyrocket,
- soaring,
- source,
- source of supply,
- spew,
- spit,
- spout,
- spouter,
- spray,
- spring,
- spring up,
- springhead,
- spritz,
- spurt,
- spurtle,
- squirt,
- staple,
- start up,
- surface,
- surge,
- takeoff,
- taking off,
- upclimb,
- upcoming,
- updraft,
- upgang,
- upgo,
- upgoing,
- upgrade,
- upgrowth,
- uphill,
- upleap,
- uplift,
- upping,
- uprisal,
- uprise,
- uprising,
- uprush,
- upshoot,
- upslope,
- upspear,
- upspring,
- upstart,
- upsurge,
- upsurgence,
- upsweep,
- upswing,
- vault,
- vault up,
- vein,
- well,
- wellhead,
- wellspring,
- whence,
- zooming