Exact Match:
- gallant
- unflinching in battle or action; "a gallant warrior"; "put up a gallant resistance to the attackers"
- having or displaying great dignity or nobility; "a gallant pageant"; "lofty ships"; "majestic cities"; "proud alpine peaks"
- Achilles,
- Beau Brummel,
- Casanova,
- David,
- Don Juan,
- Hector,
- Lothario,
- Roland,
- Romeo,
- Samson,
- a man,
- abandoned,
- admirer,
- adorer,
- amorist,
- amoroso,
- attentive,
- beau,
- beloved,
- blade,
- blood,
- bold,
- bold-spirited,
- boulevardier,
- boyfriend,
- brave,
- bravura,
- braw,
- buck,
- bulldog,
- caballero,
- cavalier,
- cavaliere servente,
- ceremonious,
- champion,
- chevalier,
- chichi,
- chivalric,
- chivalrous,
- chutzpanik,
- clotheshorse,
- considerate,
- courageous,
- courteous,
- courtly,
- coxcomb,
- dandy,
- daring,
- dashing,
- date,
- dauntless,
- debauched,
- debauchee,
- decorated hero,
- demigod,
- demigoddess,
- dignified,
- dirty old man,
- dissipated,
- dissolute,
- doughty,
- dressy,
- dude,
- elegant,
- escort,
- esquire,
- exhibitionistic,
- exquisite,
- fashion plate,
- fast,
- fearless,
- fellow,
- fighting cock,
- fine,
- fine gentleman,
- flame,
- flashing,
- flashy,
- flaunting,
- fop,
- formal,
- free,
- fribble,
- frilly,
- frothy,
- game,
- gamecock,
- gay,
- gay deceiver,
- gay dog,
- gentlemanly,
- gigolo,
- glittering,
- glorious,
- good soldier,
- gracious,
- grand,
- greathearted,
- hardy,
- hero,
- heroic,
- heroine,
- herolike,
- high-spirited,
- imposing,
- inamorato,
- intrepid,
- ironhearted,
- jack-a-dandy,
- jackanapes,
- jaunty,
- jazzy,
- knight,
- knightlike,
- knightly,
- lady-killer,
- lecher,
- libertine,
- licentious,
- lion,
- lionhearted,
- lothario,
- lounge lizard,
- love-maker,
- lover,
- lover-boy,
- macaroni,
- magnificent,
- majestic,
- man,
- man of courage,
- man-about-town,
- manful,
- manly,
- mannerly,
- masher,
- mettlesome,
- necker,
- noble,
- old man,
- old-fashioned,
- old-world,
- paladin,
- paramour,
- petter,
- philanderer,
- plucky,
- polite,
- profligate,
- puppy,
- rake,
- rakehell,
- rakehellish,
- rakehelly,
- rakish,
- rip,
- roue,
- rounder,
- satyr,
- seducer,
- sheik,
- showy,
- skirt chaser,
- snazzy,
- soldierlike,
- soldierly,
- spark,
- sparker,
- splashy,
- splendid,
- splurgy,
- sport,
- sporty,
- squire,
- stalwart,
- stately,
- stout,
- stouthearted,
- suave,
- sugar daddy,
- suitor,
- swain,
- sweetheart,
- swell,
- swinger,
- the brave,
- thoughtful,
- tiger,
- unafraid,
- unbridled,
- undaunted,
- urbane,
- valiant,
- valiant knight,
- valorous,
- walking phallus,
- wanton,
- well-bred,
- wild,
- wolf,
- woman chaser,
- womanizer,
- wooer,
- young man