- Aesopian language,
- Babel,
- Greek,
- adulterate,
- argot,
- babble,
- ball up,
- becloud,
- belie,
- bias,
- bollix up,
- burlesque,
- camouflage,
- cant,
- caricature,
- cipher,
- code,
- color,
- complicate,
- conceal,
- confound,
- confuse,
- contort,
- corrupt,
- cryptogram,
- disguise,
- distort,
- doctor,
- double Dutch,
- dress up,
- embellish,
- embroider,
- exaggerate,
- falsify,
- foul up,
- fudge,
- fumble,
- get one wrong,
- get wrong,
- gibberish,
- gift of tongues,
- gild,
- gloss,
- gloss over,
- glossolalia,
- gobbledygook,
- hide,
- jargon,
- jumble,
- make unintelligible,
- mangle,
- mask,
- misapply,
- misapprehend,
- miscite,
- miscolor,
- misconceive,
- misconstrue,
- misdeem,
- misdirect,
- misexplain,
- misexplicate,
- misexpound,
- misinterpret,
- misjudge,
- misquote,
- misread,
- misrender,
- misreport,
- misrepresent,
- misstate,
- mistake,
- misteach,
- mistranslate,
- misunderstand,
- misuse,
- mix up,
- muck up,
- muddle,
- mumble,
- mutilate,
- mutter,
- mystify,
- noise,
- obfuscate,
- obscure,
- overdraw,
- overstate,
- parody,
- pervert,
- pi,
- play hob with,
- riffle,
- scramble,
- screw up,
- secret language,
- shadow,
- shuffle,
- slang,
- slant,
- snafu,
- snarl up,
- squeeze,
- strain,
- strain the sense,
- titivate,
- torture,
- travesty,
- trick out,
- tumble,
- twist,
- twist the words,
- understate,
- varnish,
- warp,
- whitewash,
- wrench