Exact Match:
- girth
- the distance around a person's body
- encircle or bind; "Trees girded the green fields"
- ambit,
- amplitude,
- anchor,
- anklet,
- area,
- armlet,
- back band,
- backstrap,
- band,
- bandage,
- bar,
- barrette,
- bearing rein,
- bellyband,
- belt,
- bend,
- bigness,
- bind,
- bind up,
- binding,
- binding stone,
- binding twine,
- bit,
- blinders,
- blinds,
- bobby pin,
- body,
- bollard,
- bolt,
- bonder,
- bondstone,
- border,
- box hook,
- brace,
- bracelet,
- braces,
- brad,
- braid,
- breadth,
- breeching,
- bridle,
- buckle,
- bulk,
- bundle,
- button,
- cable,
- caliber,
- caparison,
- carpet tack,
- catch,
- cavesson,
- cestus,
- chain,
- checkrein,
- cheekpiece,
- chinband,
- cinch,
- cincture,
- cingulum,
- circuit,
- circumference,
- clamp,
- clasp,
- cleat,
- click,
- clinch,
- clip,
- clothespin,
- collar,
- collarband,
- corking pin,
- cotter,
- coverage,
- crownband,
- crupper,
- cummerbund,
- curb,
- depth,
- diameter,
- dimension,
- dimensions,
- do up,
- dowel,
- earring,
- ecliptic,
- equator,
- expanse,
- expansion,
- extension,
- extent,
- fascia,
- fibula,
- fillet,
- finger ring,
- fishhook,
- funiculus,
- gag swivel,
- garter,
- gauge,
- gird,
- girdle,
- girt,
- grab,
- grapnel,
- grappler,
- grappling iron,
- great circle,
- greatness,
- guy,
- hackamore,
- hairpin,
- halter,
- hames,
- hametugs,
- hank,
- harness,
- hasp,
- hawser,
- haywire,
- headgear,
- headstall,
- height,
- hip straps,
- hitch,
- hitching post,
- holdfast,
- hook,
- hook and eye,
- hoop,
- horn,
- inkle,
- interlocker,
- jaquima,
- jerk line,
- jockey,
- kevel,
- kingpin,
- lace,
- lacing,
- largeness,
- lariat,
- lash,
- latch,
- latchet,
- leader,
- leash,
- length,
- ligament,
- line,
- lines,
- lock,
- loop,
- magnitude,
- martingale,
- mass,
- measure,
- measurement,
- moorings,
- nail,
- neckband,
- necklace,
- noose,
- nose ring,
- noseband,
- nut,
- padlock,
- paper clip,
- pawl,
- peg,
- perimeter,
- periphery,
- pin,
- pintle,
- pole strap,
- pommel,
- proportion,
- proportions,
- quoit,
- radius,
- range,
- reach,
- reins,
- ribbons,
- ring,
- rivet,
- roller,
- rope,
- saddle,
- safety pin,
- scale,
- scope,
- screw,
- seal,
- sennit,
- setscrew,
- shaft tug,
- side check,
- size,
- skewer,
- slide fastener,
- snaffle,
- snap,
- snubbing post,
- spike,
- splice,
- spread,
- staple,
- stirrup,
- strap,
- string,
- strop,
- stub tenon,
- surcingle,
- suspenders,
- swaddle,
- swathe,
- tack,
- tackle,
- tag,
- tendon,
- terret,
- thole,
- tholepin,
- thong,
- thumbtack,
- tie,
- tie beam,
- tie up,
- toggle,
- trappings,
- treenail,
- truss,
- tug,
- twine,
- vise,
- volume,
- waistband,
- whang,
- width,
- winker braces,
- wire,
- wrap,
- wrap up,
- wristband,
- wristlet,
- yoke,
- zipper,
- zodiac,
- zone