conducive to good health of body or mind; "a healthful climate"; "a healthful environment"; "healthful nutrition"; "healthful sleep"; "Dickens's relatively healthful exuberance"
a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality; "sculpture is a form of art"; "what kinds of desserts are there?"
tolerant and forgiving under provocation; "our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke"
agreeable, conducive to comfort; "a dry climate kind to asthmatics"; "the genial sunshine";"hot summer pavements are anything but kind to the feet"
having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior; "kind to sick patients"; "a kind master"; "kind words showing understanding and sympathy"; "thanked her for her kind letter"
posing no difficulty; requiring little effort; "an easy job"; "an easy problem"; "an easy victory"; "the house is easy to heat"; "satisfied with easy answers"; "took the easy way out of his dilemma"
free from worry or anxiety; "knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy"; "an easy good-natured manner"; "by the time the chsild faced the actual problem of reading she was familiar and at ease with all the elements words"
marked by moderate steepness; "an easy climb"; "a gentle slope"
having little impact; "an easy pat on the shoulder"; "gentle rain"; "a gentle breeze"; "a soft (or light) tapping at the window"
not hurried or forced; "an easy walk around the block"; "at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace"
affording pleasure; "easy good looks"
readily exploited or tricked; "an easy victim"; "an easy mark"
in a relaxed manner; or without hardship; "just wanted to take it easy" (`soft' is nonstandard)
as the agent of or on someone's part (usually expressed as "on behalf of" rather than "in behalf of"); "the guardian signed the contract on behalf of the minor child"; "this letter is written on behalf of my client";
for someone's benefit (usually expressed as `in behalf' rather than `on behalf' and usually with a possessive); "in your behalf"; "campaigning in his own behalf"; "spoke a good word in his friend's behalf"
disposed to bestow favors; "thanks to the gracious gods"
characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit; "gracious even to unexpected visitors"; "gracious living"; "he bears insult with gracious good humor"
a triviality not to be taken seriously; "I regarded his campaign for mayor as a joke"
a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter; "he told a very funny joke"; "he knows a million gags"; "thanks for the laugh"; "he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest"; "even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point"
act in a funny or teasing way
tell a joke; speak humorously; "He often jokes even when he appears serious"