Exact Match:
- goose
- web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducks
- flesh of a goose (domestic or wild)
- give a spurt of fuel to; "goose the car"
- prod into action
- pinch in the buttocks; "he goosed the unsuspecting girl"
- Bantam,
- Cornish hen,
- banty,
- barn-door fowl,
- barnyard fowl,
- biddy,
- broiler,
- brooder,
- broody hen,
- caille,
- canard,
- caneton,
- capon,
- chanticleer,
- chapon,
- chick,
- chickabiddy,
- chicken,
- chicky,
- cock,
- cockerel,
- dindon,
- domestic fowl,
- drake,
- duck,
- duckling,
- dunghill fowl,
- faisan,
- fowl,
- fryer,
- game fowl,
- gander,
- gobbler,
- gosling,
- grouse,
- guinea cock,
- guinea fowl,
- guinea hen,
- hen,
- hen turkey,
- oie,
- partlet,
- partridge,
- pheasant,
- pigeon,
- pigeonneau,
- poulard,
- poulet,
- poult,
- poultry,
- pullet,
- quail,
- roaster,
- rooster,
- setting hen,
- silly,
- silly Billy,
- silly ass,
- spring chicken,
- squab,
- stewing chicken,
- tom,
- tom turkey,
- turkey,
- turkey gobbler,
- turkey-cock,
- volaille,
- wild duck