Exact Match:
- guardianship
- the responsibility of a guardian or keeper; "he left his car in my keeping"
- administration,
- auspices,
- captainship,
- care,
- chairmanship,
- charge,
- cold storage,
- conservation,
- convenership,
- cure,
- custodianship,
- custody,
- dead storage,
- dictatorship,
- directorate,
- directorship,
- dry storage,
- eagle eye,
- foremanship,
- generalship,
- governance,
- government,
- governorship,
- guard,
- guardedness,
- guidance,
- handling,
- hands,
- headship,
- intendancy,
- invigilation,
- jurisdiction,
- keeping,
- leadership,
- lookout,
- management,
- managership,
- mastership,
- means of dealing,
- ministry,
- monitoring,
- observance,
- overseership,
- oversight,
- pastorage,
- pastorate,
- pastorship,
- patronage,
- peeled eye,
- preservation,
- presidency,
- proctoring,
- proctorship,
- protectorship,
- prudence,
- qui vive,
- safe hands,
- safekeeping,
- sharp eye,
- shelf-room,
- sovereignty,
- stewardship,
- storage,
- storage space,
- stowage,
- superintendence,
- superintendency,
- supervisorship,
- surveillance,
- treatment,
- trust,
- tutelage,
- usage,
- vigil,
- vigilance,
- ward,
- wardenship,
- wardship,
- warehousing,
- wariness,
- watch,
- watch and ward,
- watchful eye,
- watchfulness,
- watching,
- weather eye,
- wing