- adverse circumstances,
- adversity,
- affliction,
- aggravation,
- almsman,
- almswoman,
- annoyance,
- bankrupt,
- beggar,
- blight,
- bummer,
- care,
- casual,
- charity case,
- cross,
- curse,
- difficulties,
- difficulty,
- down-and-out,
- down-and-outer,
- downer,
- hard knocks,
- hard life,
- hard lot,
- hard-luck guy,
- hardship,
- indigent,
- irritation,
- loser,
- pauper,
- penniless man,
- plight,
- poor devil,
- poor man,
- poor unfortunate,
- poorling,
- predicament,
- pressure,
- rigor,
- sad sack,
- schlemiel,
- schlimazel,
- sea of troubles,
- starveling,
- stress,
- stress of life,
- sure loser,
- trial,
- tribulation,
- trouble,
- troubles,
- unfortunate,
- vale of tears,
- vicissitude,
- victim,
- welfare client