Exact Match:
- heathen
- a person who does not acknowledge your god
- not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam
- Gothic,
- Philistine,
- agnostic,
- allotheist,
- allotheistic,
- animist,
- animistic,
- atheist,
- atheistic,
- barbarian,
- barbaric,
- barbarous,
- bibliolatrous,
- bookless,
- chthonian,
- deceived,
- disbeliever,
- disbelieving,
- doubting,
- ethnic,
- faithless,
- fetishistic,
- functionally illiterate,
- gentile,
- godless,
- grammarless,
- heathenish,
- heretic,
- heretical,
- hoodwinked,
- idol worshiping,
- idolater,
- idolatress,
- idolatric,
- idolatrical,
- idolatrous,
- idolistic,
- ill-educated,
- illiterate,
- infidel,
- infidelic,
- irreligious,
- led astray,
- lowbrow,
- minimifidian,
- misinformed,
- misinstructed,
- mistaught,
- nonbeliever,
- nonintellectual,
- nullifidian,
- pagan,
- paganish,
- paganistic,
- pagano-Christian,
- pantheistic,
- polytheist,
- polytheistic,
- primitive,
- profane,
- rude,
- savage,
- sceptic,
- sceptical,
- secularist,
- unbeliever,
- unbelieving,
- unbooked,
- unbookish,
- unbooklearned,
- unbriefed,
- unchristian,
- uncivilized,
- uncultivated,
- uncultured,
- unedified,
- uneducated,
- unenlightened,
- unerudite,
- unguided,
- uninstructed,
- unintellectual,
- unlearned,
- unlettered,
- unliterary,
- unread,
- unrefined,
- unscholarly,
- unschooled,
- unstudious,
- untaught,
- untutored,
- zoolatrous