Exact Match:
- imprecation
- the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult); "he suffered the imprecations of the mob"
- a slanderous accusation
- adjuration,
- anathema,
- appeal,
- application,
- ban,
- beseechment,
- bid,
- blasphemy,
- call,
- clamor,
- commination,
- cry,
- curse,
- cursing,
- cussing,
- damnation,
- denunciation,
- entreaty,
- evil eye,
- excommunication,
- execration,
- fulmination,
- hex,
- imploration,
- imploring,
- invocation,
- invocatory plea,
- malediction,
- malison,
- malocchio,
- obsecration,
- obtestation,
- orison,
- petition,
- plea,
- prayer,
- profanity,
- proscription,
- rogation,
- suit,
- supplication,
- swearing,
- thundering,
- whammy