Exact Match:
- incorrect
- not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth; "an incorrect calculation"; "the report in the paper is wrong"; "your information is wrong"; "the clock showed the wrong time"; "found themselves on the wrong road"; "based on the wrong assumptions"
- Doric,
- aberrant,
- abnormal,
- abominable,
- approximate,
- approximative,
- atrocious,
- barbaric,
- barbarous,
- cacophonous,
- careless,
- clumsy,
- coarse,
- criminal,
- crude,
- delinquent,
- deviant,
- disgraceful,
- doggerel,
- dysphemistic,
- erroneous,
- evil,
- fallacious,
- false,
- faulty,
- graceless,
- gross,
- hardly the thing,
- harsh,
- ignominious,
- illegal,
- imprecise,
- improper,
- impure,
- in bad taste,
- inaccurate,
- inappropriate,
- inconcinnate,
- inconcinnous,
- indecorous,
- inelegant,
- inexact,
- infamous,
- infelicitous,
- lax,
- loose,
- low,
- mistaken,
- negligent,
- not done,
- not the thing,
- off-base,
- off-color,
- out of line,
- out of plumb,
- out of square,
- out of true,
- out-of-line,
- outlandish,
- rude,
- sacrilegious,
- scandalous,
- shameful,
- shameless,
- sinful,
- slipshod,
- slovenly,
- solecistic,
- specious,
- tasteless,
- terrible,
- uncourtly,
- uncouth,
- undignified,
- undue,
- uneuphonious,
- unfactual,
- unfelicitous,
- unfit,
- unfitting,
- ungraceful,
- ungrammatic,
- unlawful,
- unpolished,
- unprecise,
- unrefined,
- unrighteous,
- unrigorous,
- unseemly,
- unsound,
- unsuitable,
- untrue,
- vulgar,
- wicked,
- wrong,
- wrongful