Exact Match:
- indirection
- deceitful action that is not straightforward; "he could see through the indirections of diplomats"
- indirect procedure or action; "he tried to find out by indirection"
- aberrancy,
- aberration,
- ambages,
- artfulness,
- bend,
- bias,
- branching off,
- cheat,
- chicane,
- chicanery,
- circling,
- circuition,
- circuitousness,
- circuitry,
- circularity,
- circulation,
- circumambience,
- circumambiency,
- circumambulation,
- circumflexion,
- circumlocution,
- circummigration,
- circumnavigation,
- corner,
- corruptedness,
- corruption,
- corruptness,
- craft,
- criminality,
- crook,
- crookedness,
- crosswiseness,
- cunning,
- curve,
- deceit,
- deceitfulness,
- declination,
- deflection,
- deflexure,
- departure,
- detour,
- deviance,
- deviancy,
- deviation,
- deviousness,
- diagonality,
- digression,
- dirt,
- discursion,
- dishonesty,
- dishonor,
- divagation,
- divarication,
- divergence,
- diversion,
- dogleg,
- double,
- double-dealing,
- drift,
- drifting,
- dupery,
- duplicity,
- errantry,
- evasiveness,
- excursion,
- excursus,
- exorbitation,
- falseheartedness,
- falseness,
- feloniousness,
- fraud,
- fraudulence,
- fraudulency,
- furtiveness,
- guile,
- gyre,
- gyring,
- hairpin,
- hanky-panky,
- hypocrisy,
- improbity,
- indirectness,
- insidiousness,
- meandering,
- nonconformity,
- obliqueness,
- obliquity,
- orbit,
- orbiting,
- pererration,
- periphrase,
- periphrasis,
- rambling,
- roundaboutness,
- rounding,
- shadiness,
- sheer,
- shift,
- shiftiness,
- shifting,
- shifting course,
- shifting path,
- skew,
- skewness,
- slant,
- slipperiness,
- sneak attack,
- sneakiness,
- spiral,
- spiraling,
- squint,
- straying,
- surreptitiousness,
- sweep,
- swerve,
- swerving,
- swinging,
- tack,
- transverseness,
- treacherousness,
- trickiness,
- turn,
- turning,
- twist,
- unconscientiousness,
- underhandedness,
- unsavoriness,
- unscrupulousness,
- unstraightforwardness,
- vagary,
- variation,
- veer,
- wandering,
- warp,
- wheeling,
- yaw,
- zigzag