Exact Match:
- indulgence
- the remission by the pope of the temporal punishment in purgatory that is still due for sins even after absolution; "in the Middle Ages the unrestricted sale of indulgences by pardoners became a widespread abuse"
- the act of indulging or gratifying a desire
- a disposition to yield to the wishes of someone; "too much indulgence spoils a child"
- an inability to resist the gratification of whims and desires
- acceptance,
- accommodatingness,
- agreeableness,
- allowance,
- attentiveness,
- benevolence,
- blank check,
- carte blanche,
- charitableness,
- charity,
- coddling,
- complaisance,
- concern,
- condonation,
- connivance,
- considerateness,
- consideration,
- copyright,
- cosseting,
- crapulence,
- crapulency,
- crapulousness,
- delicacy,
- dispensation,
- disregard,
- drunkenness,
- easiness,
- endurance,
- excess,
- excessiveness,
- extravagance,
- favor,
- favoring,
- forbearance,
- forbearing,
- forbearingness,
- forgiveness,
- forgivingness,
- fortitude,
- franchise,
- freedom,
- generousness,
- gluttony,
- grant,
- gratification,
- heedfulness,
- helpfulness,
- humoring,
- immoderacy,
- immoderateness,
- immoderation,
- immunity,
- incontinence,
- indiscipline,
- inordinacy,
- inordinateness,
- intemperance,
- intemperateness,
- kindness,
- lenience,
- leniency,
- lenity,
- liberty,
- license,
- long-sufferance,
- long-suffering,
- longanimity,
- luxury,
- magnanimity,
- mindfulness,
- mollycoddling,
- obliging,
- obligingness,
- overdoing,
- overindulgence,
- overlooking,
- overpermissiveness,
- pampering,
- patent,
- patience,
- patience of Job,
- patientness,
- permissiveness,
- perseverance,
- pleasing,
- privilege,
- prodigality,
- profligacy,
- regard,
- regardfulness,
- self-control,
- self-gratification,
- self-indulgence,
- self-satisfaction,
- solicitousness,
- solicitude,
- special favor,
- spoiling,
- stoicism,
- sufferance,
- sweet reasonableness,
- swinishness,
- tact,
- tactfulness,
- thought,
- thoughtfulness,
- tolerance,
- toleration,
- too much,
- too-muchness,
- treat,
- unconstraint,
- uncontrol,
- understanding,
- unrestraint,
- unrevengefulness,
- waiting game,
- waiting it out,
- warrant,
- winking