- adulterated,
- aleatoric,
- aleatory,
- amorphous,
- approximate,
- approximative,
- blemished,
- blobby,
- blurred,
- blurry,
- broad,
- chance,
- chancy,
- chaotic,
- confused,
- damaged,
- defective,
- deficient,
- disordered,
- erroneous,
- fallacious,
- fallible,
- false,
- faulty,
- foggy,
- found wanting,
- fuzzy,
- general,
- hazy,
- hit-or-miss,
- ill-defined,
- immature,
- impaired,
- imperfect,
- imprecise,
- impure,
- inaccurate,
- inadequate,
- inchoate,
- incoherent,
- incomplete,
- incorrect,
- indecisive,
- indefinable,
- indefinite,
- indeterminable,
- indeterminate,
- indistinct,
- lacking,
- lax,
- loose,
- makeshift,
- mediocre,
- mixed,
- muddled,
- negligent,
- nonspecific,
- not perfect,
- obscure,
- off,
- orderless,
- out of line,
- out of plumb,
- out of square,
- out of true,
- partial,
- patchy,
- random,
- shadowed forth,
- shadowy,
- shapeless,
- short,
- sketchy,
- stochastic,
- sweeping,
- unclear,
- unconscientious,
- uncritical,
- undefined,
- undestined,
- undetermined,
- undeveloped,
- uneven,
- unexacting,
- unfactual,
- unfinical,
- unfinished,
- unfussy,
- unmeticulous,
- unpainstaking,
- unparticular,
- unperfected,
- unplain,
- unprecise,
- unpunctilious,
- unpunctual,
- unrigorous,
- unscrupulous,
- unsound,
- unspecified,
- unthorough,
- vague,
- veiled,
- wanting,
- wrong