Exact Match:
- inexhaustible
- incapable of being entirely consumed or used up; "an inexhaustible supply of coal"
- that cannot be entirely consumed or used up; "an inexhaustible supply of coal"
- abounding,
- abundant,
- affluent,
- all-comprehensive,
- all-inclusive,
- all-sufficing,
- ample,
- aplenty,
- bottomless,
- boundless,
- bounteous,
- bountiful,
- copious,
- countless,
- diffuse,
- effuse,
- endless,
- epidemic,
- eternal,
- exhaustless,
- extending everywhere,
- extravagant,
- exuberant,
- fat,
- fertile,
- flush,
- full,
- galore,
- generous,
- illimitable,
- illimited,
- immeasurable,
- immense,
- in plenty,
- in quantity,
- incalculable,
- incomprehensible,
- indefatigable,
- indeterminate,
- infinite,
- infinitely continuous,
- innumerable,
- interminable,
- interminate,
- lavish,
- liberal,
- limitless,
- luxuriant,
- many,
- maximal,
- measureless,
- much,
- no end of,
- numberless,
- numerous,
- opulent,
- overflowing,
- perpetual,
- plenitudinous,
- plenteous,
- plentiful,
- plenty,
- prevailing,
- prevalent,
- prodigal,
- productive,
- profuse,
- profusive,
- rampant,
- replete,
- rich,
- rife,
- riotous,
- running over,
- shoreless,
- sumless,
- superabundant,
- teeming,
- termless,
- tireless,
- unbounded,
- uncircumscribed,
- uncounted,
- unfailing,
- unfaltering,
- unfathomable,
- unflagging,
- universal,
- unlimited,
- unmeasurable,
- unmeasured,
- unnumbered,
- unplumbed,
- unrestricted,
- untiring,
- untold,
- unwearied,
- unwearying,
- wealthy,
- weariless,
- well-found,
- well-furnished,
- well-provided,
- well-stocked,
- wholesale,
- without bound,
- without end,
- without limit,
- without measure,
- without number