Exact Match:
- infidelity
- the quality of being unfaithful
- Punic faith,
- adulterous affair,
- adultery,
- affair,
- agnosticism,
- amor,
- amour,
- apostasy,
- atheism,
- bad faith,
- barratry,
- breach of faith,
- breach of promise,
- breach of trust,
- cheating,
- cuckoldry,
- denial,
- dereliction,
- disaffection,
- disbelief,
- discredit,
- disloyalty,
- entanglement,
- eternal triangle,
- faithlessness,
- falseness,
- falsity,
- fickleness,
- flirtation,
- forbidden love,
- gentilism,
- hanky-panky,
- heresy,
- illicit love,
- inability to believe,
- inconstancy,
- incredulity,
- intrigue,
- liaison,
- love affair,
- mala fides,
- minimifidianism,
- misbelief,
- nonbelief,
- nullifidianism,
- perfidy,
- recreancy,
- rejection,
- romance,
- romantic tie,
- secularism,
- traitorousness,
- treachery,
- triangle,
- trothlessness,
- unbelief,
- unbelievingness,
- unfaith,
- unfaithfulness,
- unloyalty,
- unsteadfastness,
- untrueness