Exact Match:
- inscribe
- address, (a work of literature) in a style less formal than a dedication
- write, engrave, or print as a lasting record
- draw within a figure so as to touch in as many places as possible
- alphabet,
- alphabetize,
- autolithograph,
- be a printmaker,
- bed,
- book,
- calendar,
- capitalize,
- carve,
- catalog,
- chalk,
- chalk up,
- character,
- check in,
- chisel,
- chronicle,
- confirm,
- copy,
- copy out,
- crease,
- cribble,
- crosshatch,
- cut,
- deep-dye,
- define,
- docket,
- draft,
- draw up,
- edit,
- embed,
- enchase,
- enface,
- engraft,
- engrave,
- engross,
- enroll,
- enscroll,
- enter,
- entrench,
- establish,
- etch,
- file,
- fill out,
- fix,
- found,
- furrow,
- grave,
- groove,
- ground,
- hatch,
- impact,
- impanel,
- implant,
- impress,
- imprint,
- incise,
- inculcate,
- index,
- indite,
- infix,
- ingrain,
- initial,
- insert,
- instill,
- jam,
- jot down,
- letter,
- line,
- list,
- lithograph,
- lodge,
- log,
- make a memorandum,
- make a note,
- make a recension,
- make an entry,
- make out,
- make prints,
- mark,
- mark down,
- matriculate,
- minute,
- note,
- note down,
- pack,
- pen,
- pencil,
- place upon record,
- plant,
- poll,
- post,
- post up,
- print,
- push the pen,
- put down,
- put in writing,
- put on paper,
- put on tape,
- recense,
- record,
- reduce to writing,
- register,
- revise,
- rewrite,
- root,
- score,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- scribe,
- scrive,
- scroll,
- sculpture,
- seat,
- set,
- set down,
- set in,
- settle,
- sign,
- spill ink,
- spoil paper,
- stamp,
- stereotype,
- stipple,
- superscribe,
- tabulate,
- take down,
- tape,
- tape-record,
- tool,
- trace,
- transcribe,
- transliterate,
- type,
- videotape,
- wedge,
- write,
- write down,
- write in,
- write out,
- write up